What if I told you the path to well being is THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what you are taught since birth


What are the values of our modern society? Health, living a sickness-free life void of pain, sadness and discomfort in any shape, way or form. In our days especially there is a total obsession wiith achieveing "the perfect health". The chasing of the chimera, "the perfect diet", the strongest "superfoods" etc leading to extremes like orthorexia. All for our precious health. (and we end up losing even that because of our stress to obtain it). Social recognition, being renown, famous, have many friends, go out and socialise the way society dictates etc. The psychologists highlight all the time the importance of our ego being high and having "high self esteem", and social success to be "healthy". Achieving status, holding an esteem position in society and receiving the recognition of your peers and also being financially successful. And now we go to material belongings. The more you have the more "achieved" and successful you are considered. They are a sign of well being and almost a screaming proof of "the blessing that has been bestowed upon you by God, "karma" etc" (protestantism embraced and spreaded heavily this notion in the western culture. if you were materially rich it was considered a sing of the presense of God in your life, and subconsciously many people still feel this way even if they hadn't realised it till now). They are supposed to provide you with all the comforts that you need. And no matter how much we got there is always the "need" for more.

What if I told you the path to well being is THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what you are taught since birth

But really... how better do all these things make our lives? How potent they are at fulfilling us as human beings? Even when you got all these, if you are successful and social and esteemed, in the end of the day, when the laughters of your friends quiet, when the dizziness of the drinks you had passes, when its the time for your introspection and you look in the depths of your heart, do you fill something is missing? What is this unquenchable thirst that no physical water of any form, taste, gender, shininess, square feet size or horsepower cannot satiate? Were we promised a false Eden? Was the American dream a hoax? Or even worse, was it a nightmare in diguise? Why every year we have more cases of suicide? Why young, healthy, rich people that have everything in their life come to the point to find no purpose in living, and decide to put an end to their -for others envyworthy- life?

Is our quest of vanity our salvation or the invocation of our own doom?

What if I told you the path to well being is THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what you are taught since birth

So as we mentioned, there are certain things that almost universally are connected to health and success. and the most "ticks" you have checked on that list, the most close you should feel to your self-fulfilled deification and the conquest of the long time desired Good (with the ancient greek meaning of the "Agatho"). What if someone told you, that in "another world", a "parallel universe", a world you maybe are unaware of all the rules, principles and values were completely reversed?

What if I told you the path to well being is THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what you are taught since birth

What if I told you that health and well being start from completely different foundations? And that if you turn upside down every advise of society you actually might go somewhere?

In this "non-existent" parallel universe of our "completely theoretical paradigm":

Self esteem and being above the others and their antagonist is complete failure. Narcissism for them is isolation, and isolation leads to withering and perish.

Health there, is merely the reflection of the inner conition and not a physical endeavor and struggle. It's not the highest value in a person's life and thereof its lack doesn't consist a reason for falling into despair and misery. On the contrary its embraced and welcomed.

What if I told you the path to well being is THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what you are taught since birth

Success is measured to the degree one manages to escape from his own very limited frames and embraces his surrounding people. To the degree that he manages to serve and love others.

Excess material goods are more of a burdain than a blessing in that parallel universe, and the quest for their obtainment is considered rathre a distraction of the person's purpose

In that crazy and unbelievable world the most humble and insignificant, the servant of all servants, is the king of the kings.

What if I told you the path to well being is THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what you are taught since birth

If you ever wonder if that polar opposite universe exists somewhere, then you can check some books that changed my life personally and hopefully might help some of you too:







What if I told you the path to well being is THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what you are taught since birth
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