Feminism is more dangerous than you think

Feminism is more dangerous than you think

In the past I have wrote about the hidden agenda of feminism, how it was funded by the Rockefeller family for the purpose of breaking up families and driving a wedge between men and women, which was admitted by Nick Rockefeller. It is no coincidence that when feminism became prevalent in society, marriage and family began to deteriorate. Sadly, the lie of "feminism just means equality" is still believed by many women today.

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it

- Adolph Hitler

Feminism has now moved up to the next level. I recently watched a video which revealed how the leading feminists are trying to get laws past to make it a crime to criticize and insult feminists on the internet. If these laws are passed, anyone who dares to criticize feminism on their blog, twitter, or facebook etc can be arrested and jailed if feminists decide to report you to the internet police. Keep in mind, feminists will still be allowed to bash and insult men all over the internet, but men won't be allowed to insult feminists. If you think this would never happen, think again. In recent years more and more people have been arrested for expressing their freedom of speech on the internet, all because somebody got offended and decided to report them.

If that isn't bad enough, over here in the UK, there is a feminist named Alison Saunders--a barrister and Director of Public Prosecutions. She is working towards changing the law where women who make false rape allegations will NOT be punished. That's right. If this law is passed, whether it be in 5 or 10 years time, then women who are guilty of making false rape allegations will NOT be punished by the law. The justification for this, according to Melanie Saunders, is because there was a woman in the UK who was found guilty of making false rape allegations, and as a result she committed suicide. Therefore, women who make false rape allegations should not be punished by the law because it might lead to more female suicides.

There is also another feminist in the UK named Harriet Harman. She is another crazed feminist politician who has openly declared that the future of families will be mothers and children without fathers. Keep in mind, this is the woman who use to be part of an organization called Civil Liberties that wanted to give adults the legal right to take naked photographs of children. These are the kinds of people we now have in government, empowering women and discriminating against men and boys.

Why is it that every single time a feminist gets into positions of power, they ALWAYS try to pass laws that discriminate against men and empower women? It doesn't matter how many times you are told that feminism just means equality, every single time a feminist gets into power they always try to legislate new laws that favour women, but never men.

The coming police state is almost here. Feminists and big brother government are going to clamp down on the internet and do all in their power to suppress men from criticizing feminism. It hasn't come yet, but it's only a matter of time. I persoanally don't care. The way to defeat these narcissistic lunatics is to keep speaking the truth and refuse to back down from their threats and bullying. As Patrick Henry once said: "Give me liberty or give me death." What good is life if you have no freedoms? I certainly don't want to live in a world like that. Fight back while you still have the chance.

Feminism is more dangerous than you think
Post Opinion