Things you didn't know about Mexico

As everybody knows, I'm mexican, but I bet you don't know many things about my country... me neither to be honest! XD

Things you didn't about Mexico

10. Pyramids

The largest pyramid in the world is the Quetzalcoatl Pyramid, located in Cholula, Puebla. It has an estimated volume of 166,538,400 ft³, compared to the pyramid of Cheops, which only has an estimated volume of 84,755,200 ft³.

Things you didn't know about Mexico

9. Color TV

If you enjoy watching TV you can thank a Mexican for that. Guillermo Gonzalez Camarena came up with it in 1941.

Things you didn't know about Mexico

8. Popcorn

You can also thank Mexicans for this delicious movie snack. It was created there over 9,000 years ago.

Things you didn't know about Mexico

7. Obesity

The United States has a bad reputation regarding obesity, but its actually No. 2 in the list of fattest countries; Mexico is No. 1. It's quite common to see people who earn minimum wage having tortillas, beans and a Coke for lunch.

Things you didn't know about Mexico


6. World War II

Mexico was part of WWII. They sent 'Escuadron 201' to support U.S. troops. They were also invited by Germany to join WWI, but they refused because who would've wanted to fight with Germany?

Things you didn't know about Mexico

Oh well, if there's another war hopefully we won't be there lol

5. More than 68 different languages

Mexico is proud to represent a vast array of diverse cultures and a myriad of languages. Overall there are 15.7 million Indigenous people living in the country, making up almost 15% of its total constituents and they speak 68 different languages that are officially recognized by the Mexican government.

Things you didn't know about Mexico

4. Mexico City

The country's capital had more than 20 million people living there by 2010; it's the third-most populated city around the world.

Things you didn't know about Mexico

3. Monarchy

Mexico was ruled as a monarchy by Maximiliano I, the younger brother of Austrian emperor Franz Joseph. He lived with his wife Carlota in Mexico's only castle: 'Castillo de Chapultepec'.

Things you didn't know about Mexico

2. Mexico’s Mega Diversity

Mexico is one of the most bio-diverse countries on the planet, falling into a category of “mega-diversity” alongside 11 other countries who house 70% of the world’s species of flora and fauna.

Things you didn't know about Mexico

1. Real Name

You might know the country simply as 'Mexico', but its real name is 'United Mexican States' (Estados Unidos Mexicanos).

Things you didn't know about Mexico

Horable Mentions

A. Zero

The ancient cultures in Europe and Asia had a numerical system, but Mexican Mayans actually invented the zero. They were also renowned astronomers.

Things you didn't know about Mexico

B. Mexico Has States

Yeah, the U.S. is not the only country that's divided into states. Hence the name, 'United Mexican States'. There are actually 31 of them, including Quintana Roo – house of Cancun – and Baja California Sur – house of Los Cabos.

Things you didn't know about Mexico

C. Yucatán

'Yucatán' in Mayan language means 'I don't understand', which is what Mayans told Spanish conquerors when they asked the name of the place. Now Yucatan is a state lol

Things you didn't know about Mexico

Things you didn't know about Mexico
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