Questions for Americans


Growing up, I never really saw the difference between Canada and the US. They're both in North America, they both have English as an official language, and they share much of the same cultural norms. Many of the movies and TV shows I watched were American, though even if they were Canadian, I wouldn't be able to tell.

Until I was eating at a restaurant one say, and asked the waitress where the washroom was.

"Sorry, washroom?"

It baffled me that "washroom" wasn't a commonly used term in the US, and got me thinking about other differences that I hadn't noticed. Here are a few (albeit some rhetorical) questions for all of you:

1. Is milk held in bags weird to you?

I don't even think twice when I go out to buy bags of milk. I mean, doesn't separating the bags keep them fresher, longer?

Questions for Americans

2. Do you wear shoes at home?

Whenever there are house parties, dinners, etc. in movies, people are wearing their shoes, in their home. I've never seen that in real life - we always take off shoes at the door.

Questions for Americans

3. Did you know our police don't wear red and ride horses all day?

Hey look! They're wearing black, and they've got cars!

Questions for Americans

4. How do you pay for your healthcare?

It's really expensive. I mean if you have a job that covers insurance...

Questions for Americans

5. Does everyone own a gun?

Yes, self-protection, but isn't that thought a bit scary?

Questions for Americans

6. Why are your universities so expensive?

money. money. money. I'd have to sell my soul to afford university!

Questions for Americans

7. Have you never had ketchup chips?

They're delicious. Like crispy fries. With non-soggy ketchup!

Questions for Americans

8. Do you ever experience hostility when travelling to foreign countries?

I have never personally. Though I've heard that some Americans aren't treated very nicely during their travels... myth?

Questions for Americans

9. Why do people like Donald Trump?

I don't get it. But then again, I'm biased, because I only hear of the outrageous, extreme things he says - cause those are the kinds of things that media broadcasts.

When's the election anyway? I swear campaining has gone on forever.

Questions for Americans

10. How do you feel about our 18-19 drinking age?

Not that many people follow them anyway...

Questions for Americans

I know some of this might just apply for me, but I'm still curious.

Thanks for reading; if you could provide any answers, that'd be great :)

Questions for Americans
22 Opinion