Why the Black/White Divide in the USA is Growing


I'm going to preface this by saying that the recent wave of protests across American colleges has literally brought back segregated dorms on campus to help provide "safe spaces".


But I'm sure it's a great idea! Maybe? I don't know, I don't understand the racial trauma those Harvard and Mizzou protestors and such have suffered. We must trust their demands for black only places.

Sooo, if you haven't been living under a rock, you realize that racial relations are worse now than they were just a short time ago, relatively. Whether it be shots fired at Black Lives Matter rallies when "security teams" decided to "escort" people out of public places, https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/11/24/457214142/5-people-are-shot-at-site-of-black-lives-matter-protest-in-minneapolis

or whether it be angry groups storming the Dartmouth Library and hurling racial slurs at students https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=955_1447695348

What are some possible reasons for the growingly public racial divide in the USA? In no particular order, let's see a few.

Why the Black/White Divide in the USA is Growing

1. Settings and objects of protest. Such as, Baltimore.

Sooo, if you read any newspapers or watch any TV, you know that Baltimore erupted in riots and fires and all sorts of hazardous and bad for business things after police apparently killed an unarmed, arrested black man named Freddie Grey, who now has his own "empowerment center." It was a sign of racist police brutality against peopel of color. Obviously. That's what the protestors said as they looted and rioted and set things on fire.

The problem.... Why did it earn so much loathing and vitriol from opposing groups, and from many whites? Well.

They rioted... over a career drug dealer. https://heavy.com/news/2015/04/freddie-gray-arrest-record-criminal-history-rap-sheet-why-was-freddie-gray-arrested/ Every movement needs some rallying crime. Remember the Alamo. One for the gipper. Whatever. This rallying cry? The saint who's death was being protested? A man who had been arrested at least 18 times for drug posession, dealing, assault, burglarly, destruction of property... The protestors managed to find someone who didn't deserve a death penalty yet, judging by his arrest record. They also managed to find someone who is the opposite of everything a decent societty wants around. A career criminal.

And awkward moment... when the mayor of that racist, anti-black oppressive city is a black female democrat, and the whole story looks like lies or stupidity.

Why the Black/White Divide in the USA is Growing

And that racist BPD... is less than half white, and only 2/6 of the commanders are white. https://dailycaller.com/2015/05/14/most-baltimore-cops-are-minorities/

I'll let you google what percent white the city council was and have fun finding out on your own. Point is simple--people were rioting and looting and burning over how whites are racism and oppressive to blacks. In a city with a black city council, a black female democrat mayor, and police force that isn't even majority white at the street level, nor do whites have control at a high level. How can you expect people to believe that white racism is oppressing blacks in what is essentially a non-white city?

See, the thing is... whites get upset over police deaths, but we keep it mostly controlled. Such as James Whitehead, an unarmed white military vet who was murdered by a black police captain, who was never charged.


Remember all those riots? Yeah, me neither.Remember the last time buildings were burning because a black cop killed a white kid? Ever?


So not only are certain groups inspiring fear of getting beat down by angry blacks, but it is literally over a career drug dealer.

2. In non-government news... Unfair media treatment doesn't help. When one side gets coverage over any grievance, but covering the same story in reverse is decried as "racism..." the unfairness gets the butthurt going hard.

White faculty college members dress up in goofy mexican costumes they probably got at walmart for $10 each. https://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/08/us/yale-lecturer-resigns-after-email-on-halloween-costumes.html?_r=0

Protests and resignations handed over like lambs offered up for slaughter.

Donald Sterling made a "racist" comment in private to his latino(?) mistress about the black guys she also bangs. FRONT PAGE NEWS. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/04/26/donald-sterling-racist_n_5218572.html Basically forced to sell his sports team.

Or.... Remember white Dylann Roof, who murdered 9 people in Charlestown, who sparked rallies and protests and removal of Confederate War memorials? Of course you do, you're not a moron.

Remember the rallies over a Latino named George Zimmerman killing a black guy named Trayvon Martin, and how it was more proof of whites racism? Yep.


Remember the protests and talks about black rage and the rallies after Omar Thornton murdered 8 white coworkers at a workplace shooting in 2010?


Yeah, me neither.

White girl murdered by black Marine after New Years Eve party. https://pix11.com/2016/01/05/marine-arrested-in-new-years-slaying-of-texas-college-student/ Remember how it was front page news? No, you probably don't.

Lous Farrakhan, famed icon in African American communities, calls for 10,000 to "STALK THEM AND KILL THEM AND LET THEM FEEL DEATH!"

To be fair, he's not 100% clear if he means kill the police, white police, or "white people who give the killers hamburgers." Can anyone clarify that for me? Does he mean police in general? White police? White people in general? White people in government? Who does the 10,000 fearless men need to stalk and kill?

Remember how this was constant front page news for this, just like that basketball owner making private comments to his mistress? Yeah, no.

3. Simple facts.... despite cries of "open season on black men" https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/04/13/hank-johnson-open-season-on-black-men_n_7059004.html https://politics.blog.ajc.com/2015/04/13/hank-johnson-it-feels-like-open-season-on-black-men-in-america/

The simple facts show otherwise. In 2012 and 2013 for example, literally twice as many whites were murdered by blacks as blacks murdered by whites. https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/offenses-known-to-law-enforcement/expanded-homicide/expanded_homicide_data_table_6_murder_race_and_sex_of_vicitm_by_race_and_sex_of_offender_2013.xls


The simple facts are that blacks murder whites at over twice the rate that the reverse happens... yet articles and even congressman cry "It's open season on black men in this racist country!" Yet any discussion of black on white murder would be banished from public discussion.

Cop killings? Yeah, more white people are shot dead by police.


When your narrative doesn't mean reality, both sides of a conflict are going to end up getting angry, if only because they will see the issue, which is quite seriously and frequently is turning violent, quite differently. If race relations are going to improve in the USA, both sides of the conflict must be addressed fairly and evenly and from the same set of facts.

Why the Black/White Divide in the USA is Growing
8 Opinion