Let's Look at Race in the USA

Let's Look at Race in the USA

We often in the USA want to have "talks" about race. Unfortunately, what the people who want these "talks" actually want and get are "lectures." Because a "talk" is a two way process. A "lecture" is something one person does to another person or a group.

Look at the headlines above. Feel that sense of "wrongness," of knowing what you are reading is offensive?

That's the "talk" about race in the USA. This is the Bizarro Salon--a mirror image. Taking what is racially acceptable to say for a mainstream publication--and making it oh so wrong by simply changing out one word. "White" was exchanged for "Black."

Another nice example of "race talk" in the USA.

White people moving into black areas, building better housing, eateries, entertainment, etc? Gentrification. That city governments do not feel at all bad about fighting, even if it's a crime ridden area of town. God forbid poor residents have rising property values on what was previously extremely cheap housing (due to the area being crime ridden and run down) and be able to sell for a hefty payoff if they wish.


Meanwhile, the Federal government itself funding moving black inner city residents to white areas? Just diversity. https://www.wsj.com/articles/obama-administration-unveils-proposed-changes-to-section-8-subsidy-program-1466031245

Nevermind that such Section 8 residents in fact do the opposite of gentrification--driving down housing prices, raising crime rates, forcing the locals to lose value and/or move.


"Racism talk" in America... is a simple one sided lecture.

It's when a half black pop star can sing a trashy song and throw black power salutes at a massive sporting event...

Let's Look at Race in the USA

Or maybe a let's see a Leftist Politician... saying it's a good thing that there's going to be a smaller percent of one race in the USA. No problem!

Meanwhile... Donald Trump was ripped for a variety of comments. Such as that illegal immigrants commit a lot of crime. Factually very true. Also common sense that people who 1. feel the need to illegally emigrate to another country and 2. don't mind breaking laws to get into another nation--are not the top class citizens in the first place.

This is race in America. Where Africans, hispanics, and Asians are free to speak their minds and unify around racial causes--while whites are told amazingly, they must not have any shred of racial interest. Or anything resembling it. Remember the Tea Party? Those saps who dressed up as Colonists and waved flags and cleaned up after their protests like irritated grannies? *They* were even bashed as racist, in countless articles. Nevermind. Just go read from a massive magazine about how white men are evil and have to be stopped for the future of the planet.


I know there are a lot of people--white, black, hispanic--who want to play things fair and just live their lives. I've met plenty. Problem is, that's not life. It's not happening, no matter how much people wanted it to happen. This "talk about race" is nothing more than hispanics wanting to increase the percentage population as much as possible... blacks who want as much political power/freedom from white law and order... and leftists whites who want to appease their guilt and feel good.

Here's where this is getting us. Because this nation has so rampantaly promoted/let non-whites act out while telling any semblence of white identity or self interest that they are evil, we get this--

And since we've stamped out some-what white some-what right groups like the comically stupid tea party--

Let's Look at Race in the USA

We are now ending up with a far Right that looks a bit more like

Let's Look at Race in the USA

Long story short... "Racism" is just politics by a different name. "Politics"="the interests of my group." No one actually cares about the morality of it. No black lives matter people actually feel bad about black on white murder/rape rates. No hispanic protesters actually feel there should be racially equality. No Trump supporters give a damn anymore about the Left screaming they are literally Nazis following literally Hitler.

"Racism" is just a political phrase used by non-whites who want more power in the USA and leftist whites who hope they will end up riding that wave of racial anger to political power like their favorite scene from Game of Thrones.

Let's Look at Race in the USA
Let's Look at Race in the USA
Post Opinion