Why the SI Swimsuit Issue Should NOT Feature Plus-Sized "Models"

Surprisingly, this is my first time ever composing a MyTake. Despite being an English major and a somewhat outspoken conservative, I have refrained from doing so precisely because this is/was the one forum I wanted to have a more casual relationship opposed to political and/or religious. But today was the straw that broke the camel's back, and so as a man I felt the divine call of duty to take a stand for heterosexual men everywhere.

It began early in the morning at my local supermarket, as I was waiting in line at the checkout aisle. Bored, I glanced over at the magazines. And it was amidst the ocean of libellious celebrity gossip and bad sex advice that I beheld what was *once* the glory of the annual SI swimsuit issue.

Why the SI Swimsuit Issue Should NOT Feature Plus-Sized

Normally I do not judge people for their bodies, but let's be blunt about it: this girl is overweight. She is F-A-T fat, beyond "curvy," and resembles a whale that washed ashore opposed to the seductive sirens of the seas who nearly dragged Odysseus and his men to a watery grave.

But I have no problem with that. After all, women DO come in all different shapes and sizes. It is a combination of both genetic and lifestyle choices. Not every woman is as well endowed as say Marisa Miller or the Victoria's Secret Angels, and thus no reasonable man would ever expect every woman to resemble them. But I also believe that the few women who actually are that well endowed and beautiful deserve to be celebrated for their accomplishments. They are the pinnacle of feminine beauty, the creme of the crop so to speak. We celebrate them not because we expect everyone to look like them, but precisely because it is so rare for someone to look like them, and so we consider their accomplishments amazing and their examples inspirational. Essentially it is the same reason why we glorify athletes, religious figures like saints, and great leaders.

And that is exactly what the SI Swimsuit Issue is: a celebration of feminine beauty at its peak, a monument to aesthetic female accomplishment. Thus, when you give the cover spot to an overweight girl who misses the mark in so many ways such as the lovely lady above, it is a form of theft. It is an insult to the few well endowed, insanely beautiful women who toiled so hard to have the bodies that they have; it is a spit in their face. It is stealing away the most honorable position there is and giving it to a woman who does not deserve it at all!

Think about it. Why should a beautiful woman who has gone through so much trouble and effort to be beautiful and take care of her body have to lose out to a less-than-beautiful woman who did not put in nearly as much effort as she has?

Do you really believe it is fair that a woman like Marisa Miller

Why the SI Swimsuit Issue Should NOT Feature Plus-Sized "Models"

...Should lose out to a woman like the one below?

Why the SI Swimsuit Issue Should NOT Feature Plus-Sized "Models"

Of course not! It is cultural Marxism at its greatest form. Honors should be bestowed based upon merit and hardwork. It needs to be earned. Giving the cover spot to a fat girl is like giving out a "Hardest Worker" award to the lazy person who always leaves their job early. Thus, I do not believe that plus sized "models" belong in the SI Swimsuit Issue, let alone on the coveted cover spot.

Now I know that I am going to get a lot of haters, however, I do not care. There are two things I would like to point out about my opposition: their utter hypocrisy and their true motives. Regarding the former, I do not believe that they are truly concerned with women of all shapes and sizes. Rather, they are only concerned with fat ones because they themselves are also overweight. The reason being that they are hypocritical.

These same women who retreat to their safe spaces and complain about "body shaming!" the moment someone drops the word "fat!" are the same ones who constantly insult skinny women, calling them "twigs, stick figures, no body" etc. Many of them even go as far as to joke about bulimia and anorexia. I know from personal experience because these are the same jealous sorts of women who insult my almost 40 year old mother simply because she managed to maintain an amazing body despite having 3 children including me.

Likewise, there are also women who will complain about "objectification!" They say that such media objectifies women as nothing more than overly sexualized dolls meant to look pretty. But if that were true, then they would at least be just as appalled at female media like Cosmopolitan magazine where the #1 word on the cover is "Sex."

Why the SI Swimsuit Issue Should NOT Feature Plus-Sized "Models"

And yet they hypocritically praise such media as being "empowering" and "feminist." Now, that's not to insult Cosmopolitan magazine--even married people could use the sex advice, and there is no shame religious or otherwise in that--but rather it is to point out a double standard. These women are HYPOCRITES. What is not permissible for men, they believe is permissible for women. Essentially it is the same deal with the LGBT movement. Promiscuity and sexual deviancy is perfectly acceptable when it is done by LGBT folks, but it is "objectifying" and "immature" when done by heterosexual men.

Thus, what is the true motives of such women? It is not a universal concern for their own kind, as I proved by their hatred of skinny women; nor is it a concern with objectification, otherwise they would also criticize women's magazines. Thus, their true motive is jealousy, jealousy and a cultural marxist hatred of everything and anything associated with male heterosexuality and normalcy. They are a destructive broad of vipers hellbent on overthrowing anything traditional because they are the bastard seed of the failure known as the European Enlightenment.

Why the SI Swimsuit Issue Should NOT Feature Plus-Sized "Models"
Post Opinion