Is Going Greek Worth It?

Is going Greek worth it?

I went into college taking Greek life with an analytical eye. I knew that the houses in our village would be swarmed with girls walking around in heels and dresses-trying to look as stereotypical as possible, hoping to get a bid from any sorority filled with chicks that could care less about GPA and quality when another hot PNM could help boost their rep on campus. I, being a dumbass, thought that I had survived this "putting our best face forward" round of recruitment by rushing in the spring. Little did I know, my sorority, which prides itself on quality instead of looks, had just as many sisters that are shallow mentally as the hot sororities.

In Greek life, there are so many guys and girls with a variety of personalities, just like all of the non-Greeks on campus; however, there are generalizations that one can make about each of the houses. "This one has hot chicks, this one is all blondes, this one is too basic, this one has fat chicks, etc. I am talkative, pretty (so I've been told), and kind, so making acquaintances is nothing for me. On the other hand, I'm analytical and can immediately read when I don't like a sister or vice versa. Even if I don't like her personality, I talk to her to be civil and respectful instead of giving the silent treatment. Surprisingly, the silent treatment I receive from most of the sisters my age! I'd expect that from older girls, not the ones I have to graduate with. My mom taught me when I was little that I don't need to kiss anyone's ass, so I moved on to befriending frat guys.

I acquainted a lot of guys last semester. Growing up with brothers made talking to boys easy along with catching shade for being one of the better looking members of my chapter. Only about 6 of our active members are actually hot in my sorority (by frat rankings), and I'm not far behind them. Some of the guys that I know happened to be crushes of my sisters, which definitely made situations awkward. When I'd go out with my sisters, I'm usually one of two or three getting hit on at any given time since some hot girls are taken. Being the bitches that they are, other sisters and I would get left at outings by ourselves. Somehow everyone got a memo to leave except a handful of us while being in the same room. Coincidence? I think not. It has happened too many times. I can greet a full table of sisters and not one of them will look up to say hello back to me. Meanwhile these are the same girls that use me to get into parties because they're afraid to enter without me, even though they've been active longer than I have. This brings me to my next point: are sororities really about sisterhood?

Greek life is supposed to be having a group of people around you with similar values that help you reach your greatest potential academically, socially, and through service. From what I've seen, the most materialistic, "basic" sororities are the ones that have close ties on my campus. Yes, they are fake, but at least they are fake TOGETHER. I look at the bonds that all the other sororities have and the obsession with their letters and bigs-something that few in my sorority seem to have because many of them are judgmental introverts that frown upon those who can go out and have a good time with or without their presence. Why pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to just wear letters? Make that money worthwhile and spend it on forming real bonds, or don't rush.

Even though I've ranted my brains out, I'm going to do the unexpected thing and tough it out. I'll adjust to their prissiness and throw my two cents occasionally-you know, be the change that I want to see in our chapter. I'm mature enough to pick my battles sparingly instead of trying to fight every sister that has wronged me or pretended to be my friend. If you ever think that you're going through a rough patch in your membership, you are not alone. I know what I'm doing is breaking down walls between us and other Greek chapters on campus, so I can influence those who rush in the future to be well rounded individuals and create something that we call true sisterhood.


If you want to rush, be involved. You're the future of your chapter!

Is Going Greek Worth It?
Post Opinion