Why I'm Voting Libertarian in the Presidential Election


Why I'm Voting Libertarian in the Presidential Election

I used to be a hard-core conservative. I loved Rush Limbaugh, Ronald Reagan, and Fox News. Although Ronald Reagan is still my favorite president thus far, my conservative tendencies have given way to a more logical political spectrum: libertarian.

I have always despised the liberal viewpoint, namely for its self-contradictory belief statements and it's stigmatization of success and wealth. That being said, I began to realize some of the same things that I hated in the liberal viewpoint were also the same things that I adored in the conservative viewpoint. For example, I hated (and still do) how liberals are desperate to tax rich people on a misguided principle of economic justice. However, conservatives are desperate to enforce their own standard of morality on everyone, and leave little room for those who fall outside their standards of right and wrong. Either way, both liberals and conservatives used an authoritarian measure to enact a desired outcome. In the case of liberals, excessive taxation equals a socially-engineered result (equality), and in the case of conservatives, excessive moral enforcement equals a socially-engineered result (ethics).

For me personally, I have always favored a very limited form of government. Every time the government has gotten involved in the affairs of the people and the private sector, things have become worse. Historically, there are hundreds of precedents that show how the government has overstepped its constitutional boundaries, and has resulted in a bigger mess or a greater problem. That being said, conservatives don't hold the key to small government. It takes a big government to build a big military, build walls, or enforce moral standards. Liberals want an even bigger government, one that borders on socialism (or in Bernie Sanders' case, is actual socialism in a repackaged format). Either way, the government is the winner, while the individual and society as a whole loses.

Why I'm Voting Libertarian in the Presidential Election

Freedom is defined as the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness-the Declaration of Independence made that very clear. Therefore, any time the government impedes on someone's ability to live according to what makes them happy, the government becomes something far too big and powerful. If I want to live my life believing homosexuality is sinful, I should have the freedom to do so. If I refuse to sell a wedding cake to a homosexual couple, it should be my right to do so. If I refuse to hire someone based on their sexual orientation, I should be free to do so. The government shouldn't tell me what is right or what is wrong in my worldview.

Likewise, if I want to criticize someone for not hiring someone of a different sexual orientation, I should be free to do so. If I want to smoke pot, I should be free to do so. If I want to own a fully automatic rifle, I should be free to do so. If I want to drive without a seat belt, I should be free to do so. If I earn millions of dollars a year, I shouldn't be taxed unfairly simply because I have more money. If I am poor I shouldn't be forced to rely on government aid that fosters dependence. If I want to enter a civil union with someone of the same sex as me, that should be my freedom too.

These are just a few examples that modern politics has harped on for the last presidential election. On one side, there is Donald Trump, whose authoritarian/fascist government would restrict freedom. On the other side, there is Hillary Clinton (who embodies everything that is wrong with contemporary American politics) and Bernie Sanders (a decent but dangerously socialist politician) whose policies would restrict civil and economic freedom.

Why I'm Voting Libertarian in the Presidential Election

Needless to say, I don't want any part of the freedom grabbing. I want people to have the freedom to disagree with me and live differently than me. I want to be entitled to the fruits of my labors, not have them taken away for some misguided social program. Although I personally hold to conservative Christian views, I don't want a liberal atheist to be forced to live according to my principles. Freedom is choice, and in the 2016 presidential election, the only choice we have to uphold our precious freedom is to vote libertarian. #GaryJohnson2016 #freedom

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Why I'm Voting Libertarian in the Presidential Election
3 Opinion