People Need to Stop Using "Life's Not Fair" As an Excuse in Politics

People need to stop using life's not fair as an excuse in politics.

Life's not fair- We have all been told this at some point and to be honest is there any advice that is more obvious than that. OF COURSE LIFE IS NOT FAIR. I have never met anyone who actually thinks that life is fair.

People claim that these idiots who want free education and healthcare don't realize that life is not fair.

People Need to Stop Using "Life's Not Fair" As an Excuse in Politics

Do you really think that the people who wrote that think the world is fair. It should be incredibly obvious that they don't think life is fair. The fact is that anyone who is not absurdly wealthy realizes that life is unfair.

We pay people millions of dollars to kick or hit a goddamn ball. When we pay soldiers and teachers a truly pitiful amount of money

People Need to Stop Using "Life's Not Fair" As an Excuse in Politics

The people who play games don't help people. They don't improve the lives of others for what they do so why on earth do we pay them millions of dollars when people who actually get paid to help society get paid a slightly more than enough to live on.

People Need to Stop Using "Life's Not Fair" As an Excuse in Politics

Tell me why we actually pay for sports stadiums with tax money when

People Need to Stop Using "Life's Not Fair" As an Excuse in Politics

What I'm saying is that OF COURSE LIFE ISN'T GODDAMN FAIR.

What really bugs me is that when people say that life isn't fair they just accept it. The point of progress especially in politics is not to keep the place like it is. The point of progress is make the world a better place.

People Need to Stop Using "Life's Not Fair" As an Excuse in Politics

Yes life is not fair however that is not a reason to keep it that way. By simply moving on after saying that life is not fair you are ignoring the problem. We are supposed to try and make the world BETTER not keep it the way it is.

The people who use this as an excuse for their political beliefs honestly should not be allowed to vote. That's saying life isn't fair and it shouldn't be. That is saying sure injustice exists and I don't want to do a single thing about it.

People Need to Stop Using "Life's Not Fair" As an Excuse in Politics

To make the world a better place we need to actually accept that the world is unfair and try to change it and anyone who doesn't realize that has no business voting

People Need to Stop Using "Life's Not Fair" As an Excuse in Politics
5 Opinion