The Problems With Political Incorrectness


The Problems With Political Incorrectness.

Definition of political correctness (PC):

the avoidance, often considered as taken to extremes, of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.

Let's get things clear.

Does political correctness ever get annoying? Yes.

We have all been in that position when we did not know the right terminology to use. For example, when we are talking about other races or transgendered people. Sometime we don't know whether say black or African American. Which one is more respectful? Sometimes we don't know whether to refer to a transgendered person as a Mr., Mrs., her, him etc.. Sometimes it is a struggle.

Does political correctness hold some real world consequences? Yes.

Once in a blue moon there might be a story where political correctness goes overboard.

The Problems With Political Incorrectness

Are there double standards when it comes to political correctness? Yes.

For example, the word "nigga" is slang term used interchangeably by blacks to refer to other blacks. Some white people hesitate to use this word in fear they may be called a racist. Now a days pretty much everyone uses it no matter who it is but that was more of a concern in earlier years.

Conclusion: Yes sometimes political correctness can be annoying and there is such a thing of being too politically correct. Although I would make the argument that it is worse to be politically incorrect.

5 problems with being politically incorrect.

People often use being politically incorrect as an excuse for bigotry, racism, and offensiveness.

Why do racist and bigots hate political correctness? Because they don't want to be criticized for ACTUALLY being racist. When they are criticized they automatically blame the "liberal media" for being too PC. They don't see nuance. It's one thing to be politically incorrect it's another thing to be a racist asshole. These people often see it as all the something. So yes political incorrectness leads to bigotry, racism and offensiveness.

Here is a post I saw on Facebook. This came from a person I went to school with.

The Problems With Political Incorrectness
Like WOW. It doesn't matter if you like or dislike president Obama. One can make memes about criticizing his policies all they want and that does not bother me. But this is not criticizing his policies this is criticizing his race. These same people will argue that we need to get rid of political correctness.

People have convinced themselves or others that being offensive is a "good thing".

I personally see these types of memes all over Facebook. People I went to school with are now posting negative offensive things but for what reason?

The Problems With Political Incorrectness

What is the motive to do this? How does this help society? It seems that people have convinced themselves that being offensive make a person strong. The reality is that it puts hate into a society and often times hate is contagious. This is counterproductive to achieving a peaceful society. How can we be loving is there is no love? And what message does this send our young kids who are always on social media? Will it teach them to be strong or will it teach them to be hateful?

It's all about the ego.

Why do people choose to be politically incorrect? Why do they choose to use derogatory language? Why be hurtful? It's because those people are hurt inside so they feel the need to make themselves feel better. They then project hatred to make themselves feel above someone else. To fill a void with in their ego. Then they mask their hatred by calling it political incorrectness. If someone is in a real debate with someone else, they shouldn't feel the need to become politically incorrect unless they feel cornered. Unless they feel they have nothing else to say and want to feel superior so it seems they won the debate.

It's an endless cycle of bitterness.

In a heated political argument when someone calls you a derogatory name what is your reaction? Do you restrain yourself and continue to debate with them? Or do you feel the need to call them an even worse name so you can have that pride of over doing them. I myself try to restrain myself but a lot of times I cannot and I retaliate. Then I call them a worse name and they call me a worse name etc. Instead of having an interesting and productive political debate we now have a name calling war. Political incorrectness will interfere with any problem we try to solve. It then ends up to be this bitter cycle that spreads like a disease. And what have we accomplished at the end? Nothing but angry feelings.

It leads to violence.

This unfortunately is very true. Sometimes the cycle of bitterness is broken with violence. Don't mean to bash on trump supporters as my example but let's keep it real, Trump is the least politically incorrect candidate. His supporters are the least politically incorrect people. I’ve seen it many times on the news where first it starts of as an argument, then name calling, then physical touch, then violence.

The Problems With Political Incorrectness

  • Rob Weber (peaceful activist) was shouted at, then physically harassed at a trump rally

  • Trump supporter spits on a Latino man's face during trump rally.

  • Black lives matter protester beaten and chocked and taken down at a trump rally.

  • Another Latino man was dragged on the floor but a trump supporter.

  • A trump supporter kept on calling an Indian trump supporter as isis. Those same guys said they really want to shoot someone right now.

The Problems With Political Incorrectness

(I can send you the links to the articles and videos to these claims if you would like, just ask). Let's keep it real, these incidents aren't happening at other rallies. Trump is such an anti - pc maniac he sets the standard. He makes it seem like it is ok to do these types of thing and when he is asked about it on the news he simply says his "supporters are passionate." He even said to his own supporters at a speech "don't worry about profiling” I will protect you. This is the problem with bring politically incorrect, it sets precedent that being offensive and hate full is ok. Then that hateful language leads to violence. Not always but sometimes.

3 Myths about political correctness

It limits freedom of speech.

Political incorrectness is protected under the constitution. Even hate speech is protected under the constitution. Anyone can say what they want when they want as long as it is not a threat or inciting violence. PC does not limit free speech but it does discourage people from being prejudice, or being assholes to one another. Which is something I would want in a society.

It makes us week.

It makes us respectful not week. It's not week to be PC and use terms like "homosexual" as opposed to "fag." It's not week to use terms like "Hispanic" instead of "beaner." Some argue that you are a pussy if you cannot say those words. This is false, of course. It's not that you cannot say those words, it is that you choose not say those words because you want to be respectful. What does one achieve by calling a gay person "fag?" What they achieve is more fighting instead of a solution to what they are discussing. Like most people, I would want to live in a society that is respectful.

It leads to the downfall of society

I saved the most ridiculous one for last. If anyone can name a society or civilization that was demolished because of political correctness, then I will give them a million dollars. The Roman empire perhaps? The Mayans? Ottoman empire? I don't think so. Like I said before, yes sometimes too much political correctness can be over kill but I see it as a progressing society. It's shows that we are becoming more educated and tolerant of one another. It shows respect.

Why is it important to be politically correct?

It's a great persuasive tool.

It shows that you are considerate of the person you are trying to persuade. If you use more politically correct terms it shows that you are educated and likely more knowledgeable. This allows people to trust you more and hear what you have to say. It shows that you have respect and you’re more likely to persuade them.

Conclusion: I think the main thing to take away from this article I wrote is to: just don't be an asshole. If you want to offend just for the sake of it, then go ahead but know that you are negatively contributing to society. It's all about respect in my opinion. Thank you all!

The Problems With Political Incorrectness
34 Opinion