Stop Supporting Feminism, and Start Supporting Egalitarians!


Say NO To Feminism! Say YES to Egalitarianism!

Stop Supporting Feminism, and Start Supporting Egalitarians!

This is a topic which has been talked about a lot recently these past few years and for very good reasons. People are starting to realise that feminism (aka feminazism) is not for equality anymore. I believe it used to have good intentions BEFORE but now with this third feminism BS, they aren't for equality but female supremacy, which is wrong. Many feminists always just call people like me a misogynist or a sexist pig for being an antifeminist, but who's the sexist one? The one who is an egalitarian and wants equality for everybody or the feminist (aka feminazi) who only cares about empowering women?

Definition Of An Egalitarian

Stop Supporting Feminism, and Start Supporting Egalitarians!

As you can see below the definition is a conversation which happens regularly between a male or female egalitarian and a female feminist. It just shows how close minded and ignorant they are. They choose not to understand the differences of being a egalitarian to a feminist. They keep saying it's the same thing when it ISN'T the same as feminism because egalitarians TRULY believe in equality whereas feminists just say it and carry on spreading hate.

Stop Supporting Feminism, and Start Supporting Egalitarians!

Look at the image above. It's true. Feminists keep pushing that no means no (i agree no means no if you were having sex etc) yet when someone disagrees with them whether it's a man or a woman they don't accept it and result to insulting and name calling. They just contradict themselves.

Stop Supporting Feminism, and Start Supporting Egalitarians!

Thank you for reading this myTake.

Stop Supporting Feminism, and Start Supporting Egalitarians!
7 Opinion