Influence in Society and Entertainment: Preying on the Subconscious

Your subconscious mind absorbs many messages on a day-to-day basis through media, film and the music industry.

If a company wants to sell a product, they will advertise it on national television.

Then viewers will subconsciously want this product and may buy it.

So everything you read, watch or listen to will influence you in some way.

Influence in Society and Entertainment: Preying on the Subconscious

It's been observed that popular music contains theta waves and binaural beats , which are sub-conscious beats within the song to make it addictive. Music producers within the music industry study in depth about sinewaves, frequencies and sound engineering, so they know how to make a Justin Bieber or Taylor Swift song addictive and therefore the listener will want to "BUY" it.

Influence in Society and Entertainment: Preying on the Subconscious

This works the same way with film or video games: If a company is selling a game or film they will campaign it on billboards and ads.

Even YouTube itself, the most popular visited social "media" site, has become a advertisement site.

All this "influences" us.

Advertising and Sex
Influence in Society and Entertainment: Preying on the Subconscious

An attractive female dressed provocatively or half-naked would sell, because of its mass appeal to males. It has been shown the color red is associated with provocativeness or sexuality, and is often used in television and advertising to make something attractive or appealing.

Just take this Burger King ad: What are they trying to sell and what do you notice about the ad??

Influence in Society and Entertainment: Preying on the Subconscious

They are trying to sell a product by using sexual subliminal messages to make the product more appealing or attractive.

Music Industry and Backmasking

In the Music Industry, often sex sells.

The same subliminal messaging is used in the music industry. Attractive women or nudity is often used in music videos to make it more appealing or attractive to the viewer, but sometimes more sinister stuff has been hidden within pop music, like satanic backwards messages, occult symbolism and Illuminati symbols.

It has been found that backward subliminal messages/backmasking are hidden within lots of popular songs.

One famous song known for backmasking is Led Zeppelin's - Stairway to Heaven, which has a hidden message of devil worship within the song when you rewind it backwards.

Also Britney Spears- Hit Me Baby One More Time, has a hidden message urging the listeners to sleep with her or prey on younger teen girls.

This is not the only thing hidden within popular music. Pop sensations like Lady Gaga have been known to hide all sorts of weird and scary symbols within music videos.

Take Lady Gaga's Bad Romance.

If you've watched the music video, you may have noticed some bizarre symbolism within the video.

Influence in Society and Entertainment: Preying on the Subconscious

The image above , shows horned goats that of the goat headed deity, Freemasons and the Illuminati worship, Which is Baphomet... Or indirect Devil worship.

The song starts with a weird chant that goes


Influence in Society and Entertainment: Preying on the Subconscious

Then we begin to see sunlight enter the room, which represents Ra or Sun god worship.

Ra is the Sun God within Ancient Egyptian religion, and in freemasonry and occult, Sun worship is connected to the devil.

Influence in Society and Entertainment: Preying on the Subconscious

As depicted in this image above of Lady Gaga, sun rays in her glasses represent Ra or Re. Ra or Horus is connected to the Eye of Ra/Horus, which is the all seeing eye or eye of providence and is a powerful symbol in Freemasonry and Illuminati.

But why would Illuminati symbolism or an all seeing eye be in a music video? What agenda are the creators trying to sell???

Influence in Society and Entertainment: Preying on the Subconscious

The all seeing eye can be seen on the U.S. dollar bill, and represents America's foundation with heavy ties to Freemasonry, many founding fathers were freemasons.

It's part of Illuminati symbolism and Enlightenment, so Lady Gaga is selling sex and trying to make an atheist society, one that embraces enlightenment and atheism and equality for gay rights.

Religion is an outdated system and practice, so the aim is to mind program the viewers.

So next time you watch a film or advertisement, think carefully if there are any subliminals in it, influencing you to buy into it, and just for the record there are subliminal messages in this article/mytake.

See if you can spot the subliminal messages within this Mytake, Good luck......

Influence in Society and Entertainment: Preying on the Subconscious
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