Drafting Women Not Only Harms and Endangers Women, But Also Men and Society

Drafting Women Not Only Harms and Endangers Women, But Also Men and Society

According to polls on here, most men are very eager to include women in any potential draft. What most men don't realize is that it is men who will largely be harmed by any inclusion of women in a draft. Doing this will do nothing but come back and bite them. Big time.

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How Drafting Women Harms Male Conscripts

Only 14% of women (but 97% of men) who were already in the military passed combat standards; imagine how much lower it’d be for the general population. https://www.military.com/daily-news/2016/06/21/few-proud-physically-fit.html

This means that most drafted women would be put into noncombat roles, thus pushing into combat other men who could've been in noncombat roles.

Not only this, but if you draft women (even into noncombat roles), it’ll take a lot more time, millions of dollars more money, and energy to gather enough soldiers, which will be bad for the male conscripts, because that money, time, & energy could’ve been used on things that would have actually helped male conscripts’ well-being, livelihood, and likelihood of survival.

So now, not only are male conscripts now much more likely to be put into combat, they're much more likely not to survive in combat.

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Drafting Women Not Only Harms and Endangers Women, But Also Men and Society

Women in Combat, Even Voluntarily, Is Harmful & Dangerous to Male Soldiers in General

Most male soldiers oppose allowing women into combat. https://www.voanews.com/a/mht-special-operators-oppose-women-in-units/3098999.html

And rightfully so, considering military studies show that troops with women are less effective than troops with men. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/09/10/439190586/marine-corps-study-finds-all-male-combat-units-faster-than-mixed-units Women in combat therefore puts male soldiers in danger.

From the survey linked above: "One respondent said he weighs 280 pounds when in full gear and expects that anyone on his team could drag him from a combat zone. "A 130-pound female could not do it, I don't care how much time she spends in the gym... Do we expect wounded men to bleed out because a female soldier could not drag him to cover?""

Indeed, it is impossible for a woman to gain that much physical strength. Studies show that not only are most of the strongest women still weaker than most of the weakest men,[1] even trained women are weaker than untrained men.[2]

[1] https://www.rochester.edu/newscenter/men-are-from-mars-earth-women-are-from-venus-earth/

[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7253873

Expecting a woman to gain as much physical strength as a man, is like expecting a woman to grow a penis, or a man to give birth. Physical strength is an aspect of sexual dimorphism. This doesn't make women inferior to men any more than men are inferior to women because they can't breastfeed or give birth. Men and women simply have different functions.

Moreover, 17% of male soldiers said that they'd quit their jobs if women were allowed into combat, and 22% said they'd quit their jobs if women were forced into combat. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/01/marines-survey-women_n_2600382.html This will lose us a number of perfectly good soldiers.

Drafting Women Not Only Harms and Endangers Women, But Also Men and Society

Even Female-Only Troops Would Be Harmful to Male Soldiers

Making female-only troops would cost a lot of money for separate facilities.

Once in the battlefield, female soldiers cost the military more than male soldiers do. This goes beyond women costing the military in regards to gynecological aspects: Female soldiers experience injury at 6x the rate as male soldiers: https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/military/sdut-marines-women-in-combat-task-force-results-2015sep10-htmlstory.html

That's tons of money, that could've been used to ensure male soldiers' well-being and safety and training, that's going down the drain.

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"Women Should Be Allowed in Combat Because Of Equality!"

There's "equality", and there's complete idiocy. Disabled, elderly people, and children aren't allowed into combat for a reason: they'd decrease military efficiency & be a harm to the soldiers around them. The same is true for women.

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How Drafted Women Harms Male Civilians

Since drafting women weakens our military, it makes our country more vulnerable to attack and annihilation, which is harmful to male civilians for obvious reasons.

But there's an even more long-lasting negative impact that people don't tend to think about.

Since women already have PTSD (10%) at 2.5x the rate of men (4%)[1], drafting them would be a societal disaster as a sizable % of the next generation will then be raised by mentally ill mothers, & mothers' mental illness has a detrimental effect on child's behavior & emotional wellbeing, but fathers' doesn't.[2]

[1] https://www.ptsd.va.gov/professional/treatment/women/women-trauma-ptsd.asp

[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15289242

Guess what this will cause? Much more violence.

Guess who is most often the victims of violence? Men. Men make up 3 of 4 murder victims, for instance.

The drafting of women will result in civilian men being at a higher chance of being attacked.

Drafting Women Not Only Harms and Endangers Women, But Also Men and Society

^If you draft women, then if you're not dead due to the decreased protection of our country, then by the time the next generation rolls around, there's a higher likelihood that THIS will be YOU.

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Regarding Places Like Israel

People often bring up Israel as being "one of the strongest militaries" yet conscripting women.

Let's ignore, for a moment, that even Israel doesn't draft women into combat roles.

Yes, Israel is one of the strongest militaries. Do you know what military is even stronger? The US[1], which comes in at #1 as opposed to Israel's measly #14, and according to US military studies, women in combat decreases military efficiency.

[1] https://www.businessinsider.com/these-are-the-worlds-20-strongest-militaries-ranked-2015-9

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So, what should we do?

Overall it'd be better that women utilize their talents in other areas of society to support the war effort.

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"Why should women have the right to vote for draft laws that won’t put their own body in danger?”

Well, why should men have the right to vote for anti-contraceptive and/or anti-abortion laws that won’t put their own bodies in danger, even in the case of rape and/or potential death?

Anyway, what about elderly people? Disabled people? Do they not deserve equal rights?

The fact is that if you want to win a war with the fewest amount of casualties possible, you send your strongest fighters. That's mainly young able-bodied men.

Drafting Women Not Only Harms and Endangers Women, But Also Men and Society
86 Opinion