3 Disadvantages Women Have in Society

3 Disadvantages Women Have in Society

1. The pressure to look perfect.

As a female I know that looks are the most important part of a woman in this society. When I was chubby and my teeth weren't straight everyone told me how I was fat, ugly, disgusting, and also I was told how no one liked me. I had guys online stop talking to me because they didn't find me attractive. I had no friends and everyone of both genders were openly rude to me and generally unkind because they didn't like how I looked on the outside. My friends always found my appearance a huge problem and would openly degrade me about it in public. Woman get death threats if they are too physically unattractive. This video is a great example on how we treat woman who don't fit our beauty standards. There's more pressure on woman to look good then men.

2. Woman are weak, childish and can't defend themselves.

If a man hits a woman he's instantly viewed as the scum of the earth. Even if the woman was abusive and hitting him if he lays a hand on her. he's a bad guy regardless of what she does. People think that woman are soft, gentle flowers that are helpless, weak and can't do any real damage. I once heard a guy say if a grown man hits a grown woman that's like hitting a little baby, even the most powerful, strongest woman couldn't fight the weakest man. This is wrong because we are fighting for equality and as long as people keep this myth alive that all woman are weak, childish, helpless beings we will never have equal rights. . This is some of the reasons woman and girls get away with bullying, abuse and murder because society gives woman excuses and allow them to be set free from responsibility.

3. Being a whore is bad for a woman but great for a man.

If a woman has a lot of sex partners she's viewed as disgusting, horrible and people shame her. But if it's a guy who has a lot of sex partners he is viewed as amazing, smart and wonderful. Unprotected sex and having a lot of partners is dangerous for guys and girls. But it's only bad when a woman does it? Hmmmm another reason why I can't stand this society!

3 Disadvantages Women Have in Society
56 Opinion