A Message To All Women Supporting Hillary Clinton


A Message To All Women Supporting Hillary Clinton

A Message To All Women Supporting Hillary Clinton:

It must take some complex mental gymnastics to believe that the woman with a sexual predator husband is somehow actually on the side of women. He has been accused of sexual crimes by 17 different women. Everything from groping to rape. Second only to Bill Cosby. I guess you only "listen and believe" to the victims when you want to.

It must take enormous amounts of self-delusion and a total lack of a moral conscience to believe that the woman who receives a large portion of of her funding from Saudi Arabia (who also funded 9/11) is actually on the side of women. All the rape, "honor" killing, vitriolage (acid throwing) and stoning that goes on in that country means nothing to you. It must take a massive amount of cruelty and arrogance to say that while the political ambitions of a woman in your country matter to you, the very lives of women in another country don't matter at all. Just so long as that country supports your candidate.

It must take a truly heartless and vicious person to support a woman who willingly defended a man accused or raping a 12 year old girl. She even attacked the girl on the witness stand and saying she caused the rape because she "fantasized about sex with older men."

A Message To All Women Supporting Hillary Clinton

Every woman who supports Clinton is also purchasing a one way ticket to hell with their vote. I guess you could say it's a two for one special.

Make the right choice on November 8th.

A Message To All Women Supporting Hillary Clinton
40 Opinion