Do Not Vote For Trump If...

Do Not Vote For Trump If...

Disclaimer; I'm voting for neither Trump or Clinton

I've seen people on both sides of the aisle saying that Trump is somehow a better option than Clinton.

I'm just going to go through all the reasons I can't see that being true. Clinton might be a terrible person but I can't deny I'd rather have her.

1. His platform IS Anti-LGBT

Do Not Vote For Trump If...

He chose Mike Pence as his running mate. There is no way around it, Mike Pence is a vile piece of utter and complete shit. He supports government funded gay conversion therapy. The American Medical Association, American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association, the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, the American Counseling Association, the National Association of Social Workers, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the National Association of School Psychologists, and the American Academy of Physician Assistants,

have all basically said that its nothing less than pseudo-scientific psychological and emotional torture.

He wants to government fund psychological torture while opposing universal healthcare because he is just a piece of complete and utter shit who will one day rot in hell. That is Trump's platform. He does not care about the LGBT crowd.

2. He doesn't understand economics

Do Not Vote For Trump If...

There is not a single former white house economist that supports his ideas. He has openly said that he believes the recession was caused by too much regulation. My Grandfather who taught Economics at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City has said that his ideas are moronic at best. (Which is the first time I've ever heard him say the word moronic if that gives you any indication of how bad his ideas are).

3. The only country where he polls better than Clinton happens to be Russia

Do Not Vote For Trump If...

Let me get this out here. RUSSIA IS NOT OUR FRIEND, Russia is not our ally. Canada, the U.K, Australia are our allies. We need to keep our allies not strain our relationship so as to appease some two-bit dictator in the kremlin. I find it so funny that the party of The Great Eisenhower (And I do very much like Eisenhower, he is one of our most underrated presidents) is electing a Putin appeaser.

4. He is a trust fund bastard

Do Not Vote For Trump If...

Lets get this out there, He inherited millions of dollars and a fuckload of apartments and real estate from his father THAT is where his money came from. Not the sweat of his brow, not hard work. It came from the fact that he is a product of his fathers loins.

5. He is against a woman's right to choose

Do Not Vote For Trump If...

He wants to ban abortion unless incest, rape, or the life of the mother. Thats morally reprehensible. If you die, you literally have had to give permission for your body to be used in research. Trump wants to grant Women less of a right to bodily autonomy than WE GRANT DEAD PEOPLE.

6. Has openly said Climate Change is a hoax

Do Not Vote For Trump If...

Because once again he is completely ignorant of Climate Science.

To summarize Trump is a fucking danger to the public and is infact somehow even worse than Hillary Clinton which is quite an achievement.


Do Not Vote For Trump If...
67 Opinion