Thank You, Trump Primary Voters, for Castrating the GOP...and Why I'll Probably Vote for Him, Anyway

Back During the Primaries...

I kept saying (aloud and to myself) that my fellow Americans would wake up and see the light. The "Trump Train" wasn't something to jump aboard, it was rolling right at us! I just kept thinking, listen to all of those Bernie supporters...they "get it" that Hillary is a terrible choice. Of course, not being a "democratic socialist" (a term that gives me reflux anyway) - there's no way I can support him. He's just too far out there. Being from the south, I know too much about the Klintons to even consider them. Besides, BENGHAZI and the BULLSHIT lies by Hillary about American patriots being murdered was all I needed anyway.

So I kept hoping and praying that when the primaries got to my state, people would start to wake up that Trump had no substance to his rhetoric. How people voted for this guy with his BULLSHIT about bringing manufacturing jobs back, fixing the healthcare system, building a wall and getting Mexico to pay for it....where are the plans? Where are the details? All he does is say "believe me" ... "horrible"..."beautiful", blah blah blah.....BULLSHIT....

Thank You, Trump Primary Voters, for Castrating the GOP...and Why I'll Probably Vote for Him, Anyway

And yet, when they got to my state, I thought about voting for Bernie. Not because I'd vote for him in the general election, but because I thought he'd be easier for a real GOP nominee to beat than the heavily funded and polished Klinton machine. I couldn't make myself do it. And all I was left to choose from was Trump, Cruz, and Kasich. Sad, sad, sad. So basically, a lying ass thin skinned baboon, a guy no one wants to work with in the Senate, and a guy hardly anyone knows. Fuck.

Yet, I still held out hope. A contested convention maybe. Nope. Didn't happen.

So here we are, a choice between bad and worse...

Again, I'd like to thank you people that voted for, and supported Trump from the beginning. You've managed in one election year, to castrate the Republican party for probably a generation (or more). The silver lining may be that we finally form a legitimate third party that elects people at ALL levels of government. Something that I believe our Founding Fathers would whole-heartedly endorse.

However, in the 2016 general election, the other "parties" nominees don't stand a chance. While I'm something of a Libertarian, I'm more of a Constitutionalist. Regardless, Gary Johnson is an idiot, and Jill Stein is well...not even from this planet.

I am truly sad and embarrassed for my country. This makes me sick every day, yet I cannot stop myself from thinking about it. I think about the men in my family that gave their lives for this country, and the countless hundreds of thousands of men and women that have done the same. I just want to cry. It's obscene. It's disgusting.

At my wits end, I kept waiting for Trump to earn my vote...

Give me something Donald. Anything. Anything besides "I'm not Hillary". He can't. He won't. He fails.

So I think about it. I pray about it. Literally. I decide ok, the hell with it, I'm not going to vote for POTUS, I'll just vote in all of the other elections. I'm 21. This is my first general election. I'm not going to "not vote" at all. But my hands will be "clean" of this presidential circus.

Then comes last weekend's tape of "the Donald" and all of the talking heads running around shouting about how appalling it is. He's "condoning sexual assault". Oh muh gerd! Oh muh gerd!

Really? THAT'S what you're worried about? - Some bullshit braggadocios sexist rhetoric (in private) by a known ego-maniacal liar?

The same week, more stuff comes out about Klinton and her lying to the American public about what she says to Wall Street bankers in private vs what she says to the rest of us. It gets one-tenth of the attention that Trump's stupid comments made 11 years ago get - everywhere from here on G@G to CNN, to CBS. WTF people? Seriously......

We are seriously more worried about him saying "grab them by the pussy" than we are Hillary lying to us about some BULLSHIT YouTube video being responsible for the murders of Americans in #Benghazi? This literally makes me want to cry and puke simultaneously.

I am 100% sure about two things.

1. I WILL vote in the general election in November, and

2. I WILL NOT vote for Hillary.

That said, as much as I think Trump is an embarrassment, and not fit to be POTUS, he is less unfit than she is. I am now 98% convinced, that I will simply hold my nose and vote for "the lesser of two evils" - even though I told myself that's something I would not do.

If you need a reason to NOT vote for Hillary, visit this take written by my G@G uncle @OlderAndWiser:

I hate it. I really, really do. And what I hate more, is the fact that out of 320 million people, these are the "best" two that we could find?

I'm venting. This sucks! I'm sad. I'm pissed. I'm pissed at those of you that voted for Trump from day one. You have basically buried the GOP for no telling how many years. The New York Times and the lock step main stream media are determined to ride this until the GOP loses control of the House and Senate, as well as the oval office.

They're now all scrambling around trying to save their own sorry asses. Thanks again to those of you that thought Trump was a good idea for America. Oh yeah...we're gonna be "great again". You just handed the White House back over to the Klintons (God I hope I'm wrong). Meanwhile, I can't sit back and do nothing, while Hillary gets to select the next 2, 3, maybe even 4 U.S. Supreme Court justices....not to mention the countless other federal judge seats that are for life. So, to the lesser of two evils I go. Hoping that Trump might be impeached (for something Klinton-like), Pence runs away, and Paul Ryan becomes POTUS as we all breathe a sigh of relief and work towards a do-over.

You are all welcome to leave comments, but I'm not up for arguing with anyone about this. Hardcore Hillary supporters are going to vote for her anyway, and hardcore Trump supporters are going to vote for him. I don't understand either of you, and I'm tried of trying.

This is just something I needed to get off of my chest. - Thank You!


Thank You, Trump Primary Voters, for Castrating the GOP...and Why I'll Probably Vote for Him, Anyway

Thank You, Trump Primary Voters, for Castrating the GOP...and Why I'll Probably Vote for Him, Anyway
Post Opinion