9 Things You Didn't Know About the Nazis

Stealth bomber

9 Things You Didn't Know About the Nazis

This is one of the very few pictures ever taken of the secret stealth bomber project from Nazi Germany. It was one of the several revolutionary technological projects to be developed during WWII. It used a wooden frame (like plywood lol) which made it very hard for radar technology to pick up on it. The stealth bomber also makes use of jet engines which was unheard of for any airplane at the time.

A jet engine-powered plywood plane that goes faster than 1000 kilometers an hour...that's a new one for me.

Henry Ford receiving medals from Nazis

9 Things You Didn't Know About the Nazis

In this picture you see Henry Ford receiving the Grand Cross of the Order of the Eagle of Nazi Germany. The Grand Cross was a reward to foreign diplomats who were considered sympathetic to Nazism. This picture was taken in 1938.

Hitler had blue eyes

9 Things You Didn't Know About the Nazis

Many pictures of the Nazi German time period were digitized and colorized with expensive technology, but this picture has not been colorized. This picture is one of the very few color photos taken of Adolf Hitler where you can clearly see his blue eyes. In many black and white photos it appears that Hitler had brown eyes due to the nature of the photography technology at the time. But from this very rare actual color photo you can see that Hitler had actually blue eyes which is not commonly known.

American Nazi party

9 Things You Didn't Know About the Nazis

This is a picture of the American Nazi organization taken at Madison Square garden in 1939. Nazism was a bit more popular than people nowadays think it was.

Bosnian Islamic SS division

9 Things You Didn't Know About the Nazis

This is a picture of the Bosnian Islamic SS division praying. The Bosnian Islamic SS division was created to calm the unrest in Bosnia. The SS was not exclusively Aryan, not even German. it was a very multicultural paramilitary organization consisting of many divisions of many different ethnicities.

Man defying Nazism

9 Things You Didn't Know About the Nazis

Not all Germans agreed with Nazism. In this picture you can see an unknown man defying the authoritarian Nazi regime by not taking part in Nazism. Truly an act of civil disobedience to defy such an authoritarian regime because the Nazi salute was mandatory in Nazi Germany.

The Wehrmacht burying a RAF airman

9 Things You Didn't Know About the Nazis

This picture illustrates German soldiers burying a British pilot according to British customs. Nowadays it is often the said that the Wehrmacht was cruel and evil, but that is actually not true. They were not more evil or good than any other military.

Erwin Rommel wanted nothing to do with Nazism

9 Things You Didn't Know About the Nazis

He was the field marshal of the German military, meaning that he had achieved the highest possible rank that a person could ever achieve in the military. He was apolitical and he wanted nothing to do with the Nazi party. He was a respected and feared enemy. Once he received orders from Hitler to execute captured enemy soldiers but he ripped the orders apart claiming the orders were not clear due to a communications error.

His respect from the allied forces earned him the nickname Desert Fox as he was a formidable foe in the North African campaign. He was found to be part of a conspiracy to assassinate Hitler and for this reason Hitler forced him to commit suicide by cyanide pill, in return his family would not be harmed. After his death Winston Churchill declared him a hero and friend of the allied forces for being such a respectful opponent and wanting to assassinate Hitler.

Finnish Nazis

9 Things You Didn't Know About the Nazis

This is a picture of Finnish Nazis walking by a destroyed Soviet tank. It was no secret that Stalin wanted to add Finland to the Soviet union as he had invaded Finland prior to WWII called the Winter War. Finland joined the the Nazis to remain independent from the Soviet union, and upon joining the Nazis the Allied forces gifted equipment and weapons to the Finnish Nazi forces to keep back the Soviet union. The objectives of Finland were successful and they remained independent.

Today, general education teaches us a simplified version of WWII. They teach us, Allied forces VS Nazis VS Soviet Union. But the Allied forces supporting the Finnish Nazi forces shows that the situation was way more complicated than many people today think it was.

9 Things You Didn't Know About the Nazis
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