8 Logical Reasons to Stay Home for New Year's


1. Everything is so expensive around New Year's

8 Logical Reasons to Stay Home for New Year's

Imagine that you decided to go to a restaurant; you will pay double what you usually do.

2. Everywhere is so crowded

8 Logical Reasons to Stay Home for New Year's

Walking through crowds or waiting for hours for your order doesn't sound good.

3. There are a lot of perverts

8 Logical Reasons to Stay Home for New Year's

While most of us just think of it as a "New Year's party", for some it's a great day to do be all perverted.

4. It's not any different then January 2nd

8 Logical Reasons to Stay Home for New Year's

The say there is no recap for New Year's. There is also no recap for Jan. 2nd and for the all other days.

5. Pajamas are more comfortable

8 Logical Reasons to Stay Home for New Year's

What can be more comfortable than sitting at home with your pajamas?

6. There is a lot of traffic

8 Logical Reasons to Stay Home for New Year's
Get ready to come home late.

7. It's cold outside

8 Logical Reasons to Stay Home for New Year's

Your home is nice and warm! Think again.

8. Home is the most comfortable place

8 Logical Reasons to Stay Home for New Year's
8 Logical Reasons to Stay Home for New Year's
4 Opinion