Narcissism At Its Finest

Narcissism At Its Finest

Does anyone think of anyone else anymore? I mean, we are narcissistic people.

We tend to only think of other people when we need something. Does anyone ever go out of their way to do something kind for someone, to give a sad stranger a beautiful smile?

To make sure the girl on the floor isn't crying? Do we ever think that other people have lives? No one tends to. No one tends to think "these people have entire novels and storylines and i know none of it."

Everyone around you has felt some degree of pain and happiness and anger. Everyone has gone though drama. All we see is what we choose to see.

Narcissism At Its Finest

We don't know if the loud kid doesn't get attention at home. We don't know if the smart kid is being pushed into these smart classes.

We don't know anything about anyone's lives. Yet we still judge and assume. I'm just thinking, what the fuck is the point to be mean to other people?

There's no point in putting someone down when they're human too. That's not my point though. My point is, does anyone ever think of anyone besides themselves?

I don't think so.

We want what we want. That's where it ends and begins.

Narcissism At Its Finest
13 Opinion