Ad Blocking...Yea or Nay?

Ad Blocking... Yea or Nay?

There is a subset of the internet community that not only feel, but preach the necessity of internet users subscribing to the vast amount of advertising that is forced upon them on the internet. They positively balk at the thought that users can and often do use ad blockers while perusing many a social media or other sites on the web. By all means, tell me why I am somehow obligated to listen to or view sets of mandatory internet advertising? Where, by law, by contract, by written consent is there a document that says people must watch advertisements?

Just as I am in no way obligated to buy a product, I am no more obligated to view it's advertisement. When you buy a newspaper, if you just glance at the headline title on the paper, and read nothing else, are you somehow obligated to skip to the back section and force feed yourself a few minutes of advertisements? No. The internet, that newspaper, your cable...none of that is free. You pay for those, so this whole idea that people are just blatantly stealing, like pirating dvds, is idiotic. Stealing is illegal. Ad blocking is not.

Ad Blocking...Yea or Nay?

There isn't an entity out there big enough to actively screen these millions of ads and websites to ensure that not only are they age/content appropriate, but if viewers do click on them and go to their websites, that their information will be safe and/or that they are going to be legitimate and free of viruses. In fact, many, if not all sites that actively utilize web adverts, warn that once you leave the homepage, you are on your own and they are not of any obligation to protect you. That doesn't scream to me, trustworthy or worth having to spend additional time away from what I was originally doing, to pre-screen a page, and then click through, and then probably be inundated with even more advertising and calls for my email address or personal info so I can be sent even more advertising and junk mail.

If you have a product, it is up to that advertiser to find a way to reach the market they intend to reach. If one of the most popular apps across all platforms, is an ad blocker, and revenue is dropping so dramatically that you can't keep up, you do what all businesses must do, and that's change and adapt. That's their job, not mine as a potential consumer. When crap goes wrong at my job, I have to figure it out. My job is not to figure it all out for these companies or be held responsible for not buying into advertisements for products as if that were an obligation by law. It seems for many, forcing consumers to participate is not a good look and they often rebel (hence ad blockers).

Ad Blocking...Yea or Nay?

Ad blockers are popular, but there are still people who believe in watching the ads or want to...a high percentage actually...and there are also those who have no clue how to turn them off, so there is revenue out there. There are also other ways to advertise. If websites absolutely cannot function without advertisements, then find solutions that do not impede on the consumer. No one likes pop ups every five minutes, or waiting a full 2 minutes for an ad to run before they can get to the content they want to see. People have been fast forwarding through commercials and previews and ditching newspaper adverts since the days of VCR's and beyond for that reason, but both then and now, you have the option to watch. A lot of sites now will not allow you to view their content without turning off the blocker. I know doing away with ads would be nearly impossible, but there has got to be some sort of happy medium out there between consumers and advertisers. What that actually is...time, innovation, trial and error will tell.

Ad Blocking...Yea or Nay?
Post Opinion