12 Things People Like to Argue About and my Opinions on Them


One thing that is common about humans is that we sure love to start arguments with people for many reasons. Most of these arguments can take place anywhere(Internet, sports bars etc).

12 Things People Like to Argue About and my Opinions on Them

1.) Alt righters vs SJWs

I've already written a take on these two groups and I don't support either one an they both sure love to duke it out a lot on the Internet. The alt righters show bigotry by bashing interracial marriage while the SJWs show bigotry and favoritism by only caring about certain groups.

12 Things People Like to Argue About and my Opinions on Them

2.) Sports fans

This one is kind of funny, this is why I'm probably never going to go to a sports bar whenever there is a major game, one team loses and on separate occasions, brawls break out. Good thing I'm not a major sports fan. I only watch some MMA. Keep in mind, I'm not saying every sports fan behaves in a immature way, I'm aware that there are disciplined sports fans.

12 Things People Like to Argue About and my Opinions on Them

3.) Politics

When people discuss politics, they occasionally act close to the uncivilized sports fans. Whether it be people who are democrats or people who are republicans, they often go at it on the Internet by calling each other all sorts of names. I'm not like these people, I have friends who support democrats and friends who support republicans.

12 Things People Like to Argue About and my Opinions on Them

4.) Left wing/liberals vs right wing/conservatives

The terms people use to describe them is "wingnut" for the right and "moon bat" for the left wing. These two groups constantly fight everywhere, I don't use labels to describe myself; but on the political spectrum I'm right in between, occasionally I do agree with certain conservative views When people talk negatively about the left and the right, they are usually referring to the hardcore people on both sides.

12 Things People Like to Argue About and my Opinions on Them

5.) Little person vs larger person

It's 2017 and people are still debating this subject. When two sides constantly clash, I either don't side with either one or I might side with the group that is right. In this case I side with the people that know that little people can subdue larger people because I know they are right. The other side are those people that for some reason still believe that the larger person will always be victorious. The fact is that a smaller person can subdue a larger person in a fight especially if both the smaller person and larger person are of equal skill, there is plenty of proof that supports this.

It's been proven on multiple occasions, mostly in traditional MMA. Which means that on certain occasions the smaller fighter will win and on other other occasions the larger fighter will win. I've said this before but I'll say it again; I'm not saying that the smaller person will always win, I'm saying that the larger person won't always win. This has nothing to do with "short compensation", "little man syndrome" or "Napoleon complex", this has to do with facts.

I've already written some takes on this subject(little person vs large person) , I even got in a debate with some guy who still believes that the larger guy will always win, he ranted on one of my takes. I tried to keep the debate civilized but he kept throwing insults and no evidence to support his claims. I gave him evidence that completely debunked his claims, the evidence I showed him proves that smaller people can subdue larger people. That's when he decided to block me because he knew he couldn't debate anymore.

A lot of the best military leaders and soldiers were short, that fact tends to bother people who like to shame short guys.

12 Things People Like to Argue About and my Opinions on Them

6.) Console wars

This one is so cringeworthy and pointless, seriously it's very unusual that people like to argue over which video game console is better. Xbox vs PlayStation, Microsoft vs Sony. I personally don't have a preference, I think both consoles are amazing. Then you have the Personal computer people that refer to console owners as "console peasants" that's when both the Xbox and PlayStation people join forces against the personal computer people, it's hilarious.

12 Things People Like to Argue About and my Opinions on Them

7.) Religious people vs atheists

I'm not attacking religion or atheism. This has been going on for a while and u think it mostly has to do with mistrust, lack of respect and attempts at superiority. However most of this issue is between the between the extreme individuals of Christianity, Islam and atheism. Extreme Atheists believe they are superior since they use "logic" and arrogance while extremely religious people use what they call "faith" and teachings. I'm a Catholic myself but I assure you that I'm not a hardcore Catholic, I'm just normal and I respect other people's beliefs or lack of beliefs. This is why I have so many friends of different religions and atheists.

12 Things People Like to Argue About and my Opinions on Them

8.) Anthropologists vs racists

This is a new issue, the ethnocentrics I'm referring to are usually white supremacists. They come up with these ridiculous claims that every culture in the world was founded by a "Nordic race". They basically attempt to steal cultures. They are petty claims and obviously they just want to feel like they are superior to everyone else. These pathetic claims of "European origin of non white cultures" have already been debunked by anthropologists.

Everyone knows how stupid racists of any race are but to stoop down to this level of ignorance is just absurd. These same bigots claim that anthropologists are "trying to destroy white culture". These racists have attempted to steal Chinese, Mongolian and Japanese culture by claiming white people founded those cultures but their claims have already been debunked by the anthropologists who have confirmed that Chinese, Japanese and Mongolian cultures were founded by East Asian people.

It's not just a group of racists from one race that have attempted to steal other people's cultures, it's also other racists from other races that have attempted to steal other people's cultures.

12 Things People Like to Argue About and my Opinions on Them

9.) Weebos vs Hema cultists

This one is a total disaster, these two groups shouldn't even be arguing with each other cause their focus is on two different things. Hema cultists are obsessed with European warfare while Weebos are hardcore anime fans. It makes no sense as to why they argue a lot. Not surprising, race gets brought into this debate. Keep in mind I'm not bashing HEMA or the Weebos, I'm only pointing out the errors in their arguments against each other.

HEMA(Historical European Martial Arts) is a neat new system that is attempting to resurrect Old European fighting styles. Unfortunately, it tends to attract a bunch of white supremacists which hurts HEMA's cause. Which is why some HEMA people like to think European weaponry is the "best". These are what I call HEMA cultists. It's such a shame that neo nazis like to ruin European culture.

Hema cultists simply like trash talking the Katana while Weebos believe the katana is some kind of super sword. Both sides need to just stop arguing with each other, Hema cultists, why don't you go debate with true experts in warfare. Weebos just stick to your anime.

it's hilarious how HEMA cultists claim to compare European martial arts and weapons with Asian Martial arts and weapons. In reality, they are only comparing multiple European weapons(Zweihander, Ulfberht, Cutlass) with one Japanese weapon known as the Katana. Why don't these Hema cultists compare European weapons with other Asian weapons. The results would show that some Asian weapons are better than European weapons and some European weapons are better than Asian weapons, it would be even.

12 Things People Like to Argue About and my Opinions on Them

10.) MGTOW vs White knights

I don't sympathize with either one of these groups. MGTOWs and white knights are always fighting over women. MGTOWs don't want anything to do with women while White knights think they are doing good by disregarding their own sex and treating women like queens. I'll be honest with you, I'm not fond of white knights. Even though I don't live a MGTOW lifestyle, the men that live a MGTOW lifestyle at least care about their own sex.

12 Things People Like to Argue About and my Opinions on Them

11.) "Tough" guys vs feminine men

These two kinds of guys just love to duke it out. "Tough" guys believe that in order to be manly, men need to be ugly, not cry and act tough. They always tell other guys to "man up". Feminine men tend to dress in feminine ways, they have feminine mannerisms and they like to Shame masculine looking men by calling them "macho" men. I don't agree with how either of these guys think. I think men should be able to embrace their masculinity and have their own personality without being shamed. Whether a man wants to wear skinny jeans, formal clothing, be skinny or muscular; he doesn't need pther people telling him to "man up" or "macho". Just let him be who he wants.

12 Things People Like to Argue About and my Opinions on Them

12.) MRAs vs Feminists

These arguments between these two groups are very common. They take place on the Internet and in public. Most of you already know that I'm not fond of feminism. I'm not saying MRAs are perfect either, there is room for improvement in the MRA community. The best alternative for MRAs and feminists is Egalitarianism.

12 Things People Like to Argue About and my Opinions on Them

12 Things People Like to Argue About and my Opinions on Them
18 Opinion