Why You Are A Rich Person In The World


If you are reading this, then you should know that you are one of the richest people in the world.

Why You Are A Rich Person In The World

1. Clean Running Water

You probably have clean running water, and clean running water is easy to get. It's so easy that you just have to press a button in any public location and drink all the water you want! You don't have to walk a mile to the nearest pond and pray that you don't catch waterborne illnesses. But even with FREE clean water, you probably know a few individuals who prefer to buy soft drinks, fruit juices, coffee, tea, and other tasty beverages over inexpensive drinkable water.

Why You Are A Rich Person In The World

2. Sewage

Everybody needs to eat and drink, and afterwards, everybody needs to poop. Where do all the poop and pee go? To the toilet! With a functional sewage system, you are confident that the drinking water at water fountains is clean and drinkable.

Why You Are A Rich Person In The World

3. Electricity

If you are reading this right now, then you probably have a computer at home or use a public computer at the public library, supplied by a constant stream of electricity. You probably use many things that require electricity - refrigerator, stove, car, telephone/cell phone/mobile device, toys, watch, etc. Your very existence depends on electricity. Instead of foraging for food, you exchange your labor for symbols and use these symbols to survive in this electricity-powered world.

Why You Are A Rich Person In The World

4. Meat

If you have the ability to grow your own meat or can afford to buy the meat from somebody else who does the job of cultivating animals for meat, then you probably are a very rich person, because it is very costly to produce meat than it is to produce domesticated plants, fungi, and algae. Even the poor in your society can afford to eat meat in the form of a McDonalds hamburger or McDonalds beef tallow-laden French fries!

Why You Are A Rich Person In The World

5. Comfortable House

Your house is luxurious enough to have a gas or electric stove (often with an air vent), a refrigerator, a sink, a countertop, bathtub/shower connected to the water heater, toilet, mirror, maybe some soft carpeting, a roof, and some insulation. This is the good life. Many people in the world don't have the luxury of a warm bubble bath, indoor plumbing, constant temperature control for food to maintain freshness, and a clean stove that doesn't damage the lungs. If you have these luxuries, then you should consider yourself one of the richest people of the world.

The Disadvantages of Being Rich

Although everybody aspires to be rich and have a comfortable life, the life of the rich has its own disadvantages by the very same characteristics. Good hygiene? Well, the hygiene hypothesis suggests that the rich have very clean lives - perhaps, too clean - that the super-cleanliness is suppressing the natural development of the immune system and causing immune-related disorders and allergies. High consumption of cattle, swine, birds, and fish is draining the Earth's resources; and a disproportionate amount of grain-fed meat and dairy in the diet is far too unbalanced to be healthy. Being rich may have its own pitfalls, but if we are mindful about what we do, we can live richly without the negative aspects of too much wealth.

Why You Are A Rich Person In The World
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