Here's Why Women Were Never Oppressed in Western History

Here's Why Women Were Never Oppressed in Western History

Now, of course around the world women are oppressed. For instance, in many countries, women have no access to education, they are considered second class citizens, etc. However I'm talking about western civilization. We have been tought to believe that men have mistreated and disregarded women in the past. However, this isn't close to the real truth and a lot of the information that I'll be sharing is from a very intelligent female lesbian.

A lot of the reason why society was as such is because of the biological differences between men and women. What we call patriarchy is a result of those biological differences. Here are some of the major differences.

1. Men are on average stronger than women.

Here's Why Women Were Never Oppressed in Western History

As much as this theory is challenged today, the truth remains that men are on average stronger than women. Let me briefly scientifically explain this to you. Men naturally have more upper body strength and muscle mass than women. Plus, men gain muscles twice as fast as women because of testosterone. Though these differences aren't usually evident until puberty.

2. Men are much more dominant than women.

Here's Why Women Were Never Oppressed in Western History

Now, that's not to say that there aren't any dominant women. However, generally speaking, men are much more dominant. Testosterone plays a huge role in this. Testosterone makes us competitive, expecially amongst men. The alpha males usually have more of this and women who exhibit a lot of confidence the same.

3. Men are generally bigger.

Here's Why Women Were Never Oppressed in Western History

Being bigger means you take up more space which usually equate to you being strong and dominant. However being bigger doesn't always equate to those two things.

These major reasons and many others are what helped shape our culture. Let's take hyenas as an example. Female hyenas are much bigger, more dominant, and stronger than their male counterparts, resulting into them being a matriarchal system. These differences do not make women worse by any means but complementary to us. Moreover, we shouldn't even be comparing both, since it's like comparing apples and oranges. Though unfortunately we live in a culture where being politically correct is much more important than being truthful. Although these differences are important to acknowledge.

Men had privileges with heavier responsibilities.

Here's Why Women Were Never Oppressed in Western History

Now that we have that out of the way, let's dive into the meat of the subject. Now if we say women have been oppressed, we can also say men were being oppressed too. What people do not realize is that, for every privilege that a man had, there was a much heavier responsibility attached to it. In fact being a woman was much EASIER than being a male. Yes men were allowed to own property but they were expected to provide for their families. They could study and work, however, work wasn't as easy as it is now. Men would work more than 60 hours a week doing intensive hand work which, because of the biological differences I mentioned, very few women would have been able to do anyway. Back then, women didn't even want to work and preferred staying at home with the kids.

Another thing that women couldn't do was vote. However, men were drafted for war and women weren't. Men shed their blood to keep women and the kids safe. What's also interesting is that women who were later accepted into military were given the right to vote. Interesting enough, women were asked if they wanted to vote, and 70% said no since they didn't want to register for the draft. These are the two major privileges that people assume men had which aren't really even privileges.

It was after the phase of industrialization when things got easier at work, new legislation ruled for shorter hours that women wanted to take part.

Women were more privileged.

The gentleman act started a very long time ago. Women have always been treated specially and better than men. In the past, when men were the perpetrators of domestic violence, they were heavily punished. Surprisingly enough when women were the perpetrators of this, men were also ridiculed. There was a custom where they'll strap the man to a pole, throw rotten vegetables to him in an act of ridicule. Another one of female privileges were that women and children were always the first to be rescued when danger arrived.

In conclusion.

Ee've been lied to by society and feminism a lot. Like the wage gap myth and so much more. However, the reason why all this has happened is because unfortunately, the weakness of a man is the woman. That's right, men have a natural love and soft spot for women. Men often get weak in the presence of a whining woman thus why feminism has come this far. Feminists have used our love against us. They in a way have taken advantage of us. Feminism demonises men and puts us down. I'm not talking about the feminism that gave women the right to vote but the third wave.

However, men, we need to be proud about ourselves. For, almost everything in history, we invented. We invented electricity, the internet, light, roads, buildings, build cities, we did it all. As much as feminists will try to turn women into men, it can't happen. Women and men are physically different and mentally also. In fact, we have very different brain functions. The things we invented were due to those things and if women were in charge, most or all of those things wouldn't have been invented or discovered. Which is great because we are meant to complement each other. And, in no way am I trying to bash women or put them down, I just want to state the truth. And I urge all men to wake and be proud of their masculinity!

Here's Why Women Were Never Oppressed in Western History
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