Hiding in the Closet: Atheists, Gays, Bisexuals, and Minority Races

Hiding in the Closet: Atheists, Gays, Bisexuals, and Minority Races

I am an agnostic atheist, former Christian and I live in a primarily Christian household. My older brother is a bisexual living under the same roof. Although he's a Christian and I'm straight, we still have a problem as far as coming out goes. As we all would know right now, society is pretty fucked up, and are unaccepting of many gays, and definitely atheist, which are by far the most hated minority group in the U.S. Now I know that we should be open with others around us, and we need to know how to communicate with others in the real world, and so you must be careful of what you say to other people. I unintentionally made my mother bawl her eyes out a few months after learning of my atheism, learning that I'm not going through a phase, nor will I be likely to ever revert back to Christianity or any religion, and the same to my brother and his bisexuality. Those like himself and I, always face:

Constant Rejection As More Find Out

Or constant attention. As a minority, you are more likely to get attention from others who are different from you, and that includes race. Being the only Latino or Asian in a room full of whites is going to draw people's eyes to you no matter what, because you're physically different as far as skin tone and genetics, you are automatically more interesting to others around you, as they're so used to seeing other whites. Same goes for the other minorities, including gays.

Now many get lots of good attention. I had a gay girl bud of mine in my Senior Class of 2017 talk to us about why she likes women instead of men, and instead of arguing with that, we pretty much all found what she was saying interesting, and primarily agreed with what she had to say. I mean I agree, I don't like dicks, and women being more emotionally intelligent, so why not agree with why she likes women more?

And what about atheists? Well me and my other friend being the only two atheists in the classroom originally had met up with more people who weren't the most religious, and were open minded about why we we're always atheists or why we lost our faith. It was really nice really, but thats just one side of the coin.

For others, they weren't so lucky. In my personal experience, coming out as an atheist will test your emotional strength. Like I said before, I made my fucking MOTHER cry.. That isn't something I ever want to go through again. It's worse than the grief I'd feel of her own inevitable death..


"How could you be moral when you're atheist?"

"Are you sure you're gay?"

"Can you teach me how to speak Chinese?"

Hiding in the Closet: Atheists, Gays, Bisexuals, and Minority Races

We all have morals, yes I'm (hypothetically) gay, and no I can't, because I don't know the fucking language. As apart of being different from everyone else, others around you are likely to ask about yourself and their concerns. I happen to see this most often with mixed guys like myself or Asian girls, because they automatically assume I can fluently speak Spanish just because of my last name, or the Asians can fluently speak in other languages. Many times we can, but most of the time, we don't appreciate it. We're us, and you're you. Let us coexist in modern society please!

Emotional Hardships

Hiding in the Closet: Atheists, Gays, Bisexuals, and Minority Races

I'm speaking to the atheists or bisexuals/homosexuals primarily here. Depending on how religious and how close minded your family is, you are going to face tears and disappointment, because although your family genuinely cares about you by crying and whatnot, they fear that you're going to a Hell for being gay, or they fear that you will cease to go to church with them for being an atheist. That fear is going to cause them to talk to you, triggering your emotions because they'd hope for you to return to safety.. however because it's not likely to happen, the onions shall stay in the area, and your tears are on the line.

Acceptance to Similar Minorities

Hiding in the Closet: Atheists, Gays, Bisexuals, and Minority Races

With those who are ridiculed for their beliefs and attractions, you'll definitely seem to fid easier friends with those with similar beliefs, just like how friends are made in the modern days. They'd feel more at home, with a safer place to discuss what's going on with their lives ever since their situation changed their lives.

And with that, there are a few things that you can do to avoid drastic, dramatic changes to your lifestyle like:

-Avoiding coming out if you're still living with your parents

-Avoiding coming out to those who will hurt you more than help you

-Come out to only those you trust

I hope none of you face the drama that I did, but I also hope this said something to someone else. We're not alone, guys.

Hiding in the Closet: Atheists, Gays, Bisexuals, and Minority Races
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