False Stereotypes about African Americans

False Stereotypes about African Americans


First let me say i will be going anonymous, not because i am ashamed of my skin, but because i do not appreciate racist messages.

This will be a take on false African American stereotypes. If you have any questions regarding African American culture don't hesitate to ask.

False Stereotypes about African Americans

Stereotypical Foods/Beverages;

One of the most annoying things i hear is "All black people like water melon."

That's just about the dumbest thing i've ever heard, i personally hate Watermelon.

I do not eat it and have not in years. Many people have attempted to make me like Watermelon, but it has never succeeded. I have tried it with regular salt, Sea salt, I've tried it with other fruits, dishes, & drinks. I just do not like watermelon, the taste is very bitter & too many seeds for me.

Cantelope on the other hand, YUM!

More stereotypical foods/Beverages i hear about are;

Fried Chicken, Kool aid, etc

Well, regardless of race, that would depend on the persons household. In my house we haven't had neither fried chicken or kool aid in years, We prefer sea food.

Kool Aid is way too sugary for me, & i prefer baked chicken if we're going to have it.

False Stereotypes about African Americans


First off, monkeys are adorable.

Secondly, making fun of a human being for looking like a monkey, is like making fun of an elephant for looking like a Mammoth, I should not have to explain why.

Most people only say this because of the dark skin complexion, which have nothing to do with facial features.

Whenever I, or someone gets called monkey, it just make's the person insulting us seem very dense.

False Stereotypes about African Americans


Black people are not out to get you okay?

We don't want to steal anything of yours, we don't want to hurt you, we just want to live our lives like everyone else.

Recently me & my mom were racially profiled and watched in Walmart ,where we will not be shopping anymore.

I live in a religious household, all of my family & relatives are religious.

We do not harm, We do not steal, & We do not do any of the things people claim we are doing.

I live a very boring life, i don't go out with friends & do bad things, i stay in the house & mind my own business. When i do go out, its to do family-oriented things such as; Mourn a loss, or to celebrate something.

If i don't have the money to buy something, i'm not going to steal it, i will simply find an alternative to getting what i need. I am not going to harm, & i do not own any firearm.

I only know 2 relatives who own firearms, one being my grandpa who is a veteran.

False Stereotypes about African Americans

Penis size;

I'm not saying this is true or false, i do not know, & i do not care.

I do not care what some other man is packing, if you are fixated on something like this, why don't you go find a few black men & ask them to see it, If you do not get slapped

(Which would be an acceptable reaction) & they show you what they're packing, You will have your answer

It should not matter what another man has in his pants, & do not pay attention to other people's

"Personal experiences"

*Off topic, my brother used to tell me going to the dentist sucked, because the shots "hurt".

I listened to him & was afraid to go to the dentist. Eventually i had to end up going to get a "shot", i was afraid for no reason at all, I literally felt nothing.

I fearlessly went back to that dentist & was given multiple shots in my gum, I still do not feel it.

The only time i ever actually "felt" it was when they gave me 4 shots in the same spot, that hurt a bit, but it wasn't anything serious.

Moral of the story is; you can't pay attention to others people's personal experiences or other mens packages.

Different races have different aspects, SAME races have different aspects.

Some races tend to have more hair on their body than other races, but does that mean only that race can be hairy? No, it depends on the person.

Everyone is different.


I'm going to end it there, i hope you enjoyed this take & it answered any questions you may have had. Please i don't tolerate, or promote racism in any way.

Please realize that everyone is different, not everyone is the same.

Please give this take a like & comment.

False Stereotypes about African Americans
Post Opinion