Giving No F's Is A Terrible Life Philosophy

Giving No F's Is A Terrible Life Philosophy

There are a lot of people who have the life philosophy that they just don't give a f--k or they give no f--k's and that's the way they live there life. I don't believe that for a second, and if I did believe that, I would consider them more on the sociopathic spectrum.

Look, I definitely agree that if you are so caught up in the minutia of life or about what every single person says or doesn't say about you, you should probably relax a little, and stop caring so much to an extent, but this idea that the only person in the world who's opinion, ideas, lifestyle, wants and needs matters, is you and if people don't "get you," they are the ones that should always f--k off, is, well, nuts.

Everything someone says to or about you isn't automatically wrong. Some of it needs to be said because it's tough love or a reality check on the stuff you're doing. A lot of times you notice when these people are checked, they get super defensive and default to a f--k you or I don't give a s--t attitude because they aren't mature enough or capable enough in themselves to recognize their own issues or problems with what they are doing or saying.

Giving No F's Is A Terrible Life Philosophy

There is also the other side of it that that these people tend to carry where if something does not personally affect their life, oh well, f--k it. Ignorance is not bliss because a lot of times what you continually ignore, and refuse to acknowledge can become your problem rather quickly. Ignore the poor, they riot and hang the king. Ignore police corruption in the city, the city burns. Ignore building code violations, your sister gets killed in the rubble of a building collapse. It is impossible to care about everything and every one and every situation, but how is it one can proclaim they give no f--ks about anyone or anything, and then when something happens to them, they are the first to ask why no one is helping them or no one cares about them or their situation especially as it relates to friends?

I think it's important to give some f--k's about the people in your life and the people of the world around you whether their situations personally affect you or not. Sometimes caring about others and their opinions or their situations helps us grow as people and connect well with others and helps us do something about problems as a community that would not otherwise be solved. I don't want to be around people that don't care about anything or anyone but themselves because those people are dangerous either in the way they think or act or both. I know I don't have all the answers in life and neither does anyone else and to think that nothing can touch you because you are the only thing that matters, is going to have you hit by the reality stick sooner rather than later.

Giving No F's Is A Terrible Life Philosophy
25 Opinion