Why I Have a Love-Hate Relationship With My Country (Romania)


First of all, I'm not from America, England, etc...I'm from Romania.

Why I Have a Love-Hate Relationship With My Country (Romania)

This little country is almost near Russia and has a very complicated story. I'll talk a little about the history: At first it wasn't Romania how you see in that picture. First it was 3 lands: Transilvania, Oltenia, and Moldova. We had fights with Turkey, Austro-Hungary, etc.

And......after 1859, we're how you see in the picture.

Why do I dislike my country?

First, to steal is a national sport. The politicians are stealing from the european money and from the money people are struggling to win. I hear every day on television: The politican x is accused of money laundering or accused of bribery etc.

The politicians are so....corrupted, that they made laws just for their own safety. For example: They wanted to make an emergency ordinance in which they can steal less than 200.000 euros and to not be in jail. Is that right? Of course not. People have protested. Just in Bucharest there were almost 200.000 people in the street in January.

Politicians want our country to be like the others from the west but how can you be like the west when many villages don't even have water or a toilet in their homes, when the public hospitals are infected and people die because of the bacteria from the hospital, not because of the illness? How can you be like the west when you haven't even repaired the schools? In some places, the students are learning in a class where the walls could fall in any second (this is everywhere) and most importantly, how can you be like the west when you build just one km (or even less) of freeway in more than a month?

Why I Have a Love-Hate Relationship With My Country (Romania)
Why I Have a Love-Hate Relationship With My Country (Romania)
Why I Have a Love-Hate Relationship With My Country (Romania)

The salary.....Dear Lord. Honesty, in some jobs the salary is bigger but the minimum is 1500 lei, like less than 400 euros or 500 dollars. Can you live like that? No....that's why people go to other countries to work, because you can't live with less than 400 euros.

I'll continue with the good parts because it can last the whole day to say the not so normal things that happens in my country.

The good parts are:

My country is still safe. You can walk without worries on the streets knowing that nothing will explode in front of your face.

The landscapes are amazing too.

Why I Have a Love-Hate Relationship With My Country (Romania)
Why I Have a Love-Hate Relationship With My Country (Romania)
Why I Have a Love-Hate Relationship With My Country (Romania)

Here the health insurence is free until you are 18 years old. That means you have free controls, medications, and if you must have an operation and you go to a public hospital it is almost free.

Romania is the home of the legends with vampires and werewolf.

There are many romanian athletes: Nadia Comaneci is the ferst ever athlete who has the note 10 at gymnastic.

We have many important writers here too. Mihai Eminescu, Ion Luca Caragiale, Liviu Rebreanu and many others.

And...I don't know what to say anymore. The thing is, there's A LOT of things to do in my country. The saddest part is that many people have died in the revolution.The revolution was in December first in 1989. And they died to change something but it has past almost 28 years and nothing has changed.

Why I Have a Love-Hate Relationship With My Country (Romania)
52 Opinion