Why I Am Against Modern Architecture


Its parasitic

Why I Am Against Modern Architecture

Modern architecture is parasitic upon the environment. It's completely out of place, its weird shapes are painful to look at.

It's standardized

Why I Am Against Modern Architecture

Wherever you go you see these glass buildings with no culture and no ethnic identity to it. Why travel to the other side of the world if they have the same buildings as in your home city?

Its no longer art, it's too much like a fashion statement

Why I Am Against Modern Architecture

No one can argue that this abomination is not meant to be an insult to traditional architecture. If you look closely at the column in the middle you can see the orange rust running out of the poorly engineered structure.

It causes big cities to become permanent construction sites

Why I Am Against Modern Architecture

They keep building new buildings and tearing the old ones down. Big cities are always in a state of permanent construction here or there because of all these buildings being built and rebuilt. Its a real strain on the people to live in a place like that.

Why I Am Against Modern Architecture
4 Opinion