Where Did All the Real Conservatives Go?

Where did all the real conservatives go?

It is funny. Real conservatives are always rational, always reasonable and logical. Think about real conservatives like George Will. He actually stands for something. He actually understands conservative principles. There is Peggy Noonan and David Brooks. People don't seem to understand about the past of the Conservative movement. Traditional conservatives embraced women and non-"Whites" like Russell Means or Ben Nighthorse Campbell. Also one of my favorites, Tony Brown.

Where Did All the Real Conservatives Go?

But nowadays, we have these pretend-conservatives who have no idea what the conservative movement was even about. For them it is about a culture war which is a totally divisive issue. These fake folks don't care about classic conservative issues like debt or fiscal responsibility. They don't seem to understand real conservatives don't don nazi regalia, carry the confederate flag, the whine about Kaepernick taking a knee during the national anthem. Because real conservativism hates hypocrisy. I voted for Bush, but I am not going to claim he was a protector of all conservative ideals. But he did understand empowering non-"White" communities to find ways to resolve whatever issues they deem as important to themselves was a winning issue for everyone. I would remind liberal posters about his faith-based initiatives. Real conservatives know the nation has to be united not divided. They always speak to unifying issues and try to point to common ground because it is important.

Real conservatives understand the need to debate using objective facts, finding truth, and using rational thinking.

We are in the era of Trump where the cry has been "America First". But basically his policies reflect the need to put a foreign power first over American people. And fake conservatives are fine with that. Real conservatives stress not only the second amendment, but everything in the bill of rights. All ten are sacred. Real conservatives are not dogmatic. They may be cautious when it comes to change, but they are open to it when it is a reasonable alternative.

Real conservatives know the U.S. has to be engaged with the world. I point you to voices like John McCain and Bob Corker. Real conservatives know that creating 20 trillion dollars in debt is a bad idea. I point you to voices like Rand Paul and Colin Powell. Real Conservatives are fine with non-"White" and/or women empowerment for as long as it does not require additional investment from the government, I name George Will and Tony Brown. Real conservatives understand that we must have a framework for debate with a foundation in respect for each other, the ability to listen and to disagree without malice, I name David Brooks.

But fake conservatives are hypocrites when it comes to these types of issues. They call out the supposed cultural failings of various groups, but let those groups unite to resolve those issues, they scream "reverse racism". Fake conservatives fear empowering women because they fear they could hurt their fake movement. But the reality is women support the Republican party at the same rates they vote Democrat. Fake conservatives have no real concern about the U.S. debt unless it can be used as a political issue. They shun respectful dialogue grounded in logic and facts.

They are fake people, who stick to fake talking points. They cannot think for themselves or form their own opinions. The truth is they believe in an irrational hypocritical ideology. And they need someone clever enough to put together the rationale for their beliefs. Then once they are given those marching orders, they repeat it like they are parrots.

When challenged, they break off debate. Here are GaG they block you because they are unable to defend backwards logic and "alternative facts". They simply wait for the next soundbite to repeat in their next debate, which usually just devolves to name-calling since they have nothing intelligible to say.

They claim "liberals" are snowflakes, yet they are sensitive to the extreme. Your very life's struggle could be offensive to them. If you were raped, their feelings are hurt. If you have experienced racism or prejudice, they feel so much pain because they have been insulted by what you went through. They claim kneeling during the anthem is disrespect for the flag, then they champion the cause of long dead racist theocracy.

Their hypocrisy knows no bounds. Their thinking owes nothing to facts or logic.

And fakers, sorry but no anonymous posts for this take. Too bad, so sad.

Where Did All the Real Conservatives Go?
Post Opinion