Net Neutrality In A Nutshell

Net neutrality is something that all of us have had, but few knew about. Today the FCC has voted to repeal (take away) net neutrality, with a vote of 3 to 2. The fight isn't over yet, though. They still has to go through the Supreme Court, if they choose to take the case. But what is net neutrality, and why is this such a big deal?

In simpler terms, net neutrality is the principle that your internet connection must treat all websites and web Based Services the same. This means that you don't have to pay different amounts to access certain sites or services. It also means that those companies providing services don't have to pay for their sites to be accessible.

Without net neutrality, not only will we have to pay for each site we'd like to access, but companies have to pay to keep their sites running quickly and efficiently. This will most definitely result in a monopolisation of websites. For example, Netflix may run very quickly, but other video streaming services will run very slowly. Because of this, more people would be using Netflix than any other video streaming service.

If we lose net neutrality, everyone online will definitely notice it. It means no more free access to whatever we need to find online. Our favorite sites may no longer be accessible. Our social media accounts may be lost because we cannot afford to pay so much money just to open the website. We need net neutrality.

Net Neutrality In A Nutshell

Net Neutrality In A Nutshell
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