Reasons Why We Should Take the Time to Deal With a Bully


Bully: a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.

Human: relating to or characteristic of people or human beings.

We are all, hopefully, human. Humans are not perfect while residing in a duo-reality (dealing with positive and negatives). Therefore, a bully can be anyone and everyone.

Reasons Why We Should Take the Time to Deal With a Bully

[Whether it was while we were children ourselves, growing into adults or while discovering how to parent. Whether the bullying was as small as a pretentious comment all the way to physically causing harm.]

No matter who, when, what or why you did it... We've all been a bully.

After coming to terms with this, I think we can all agree on what would help the most... COMMUNICATION.

Reasons Why We Should Take the Time to Deal With a Bully

"Why do we have to try to take the time to communicate rather than leave them to their empty shell of a life?"

Personally, I believe these reasons are why we should communicate:

1.) A bully, with all their strengths, does have a lot of weaknesses.

Though they want to behave like they are superior while they socialize, they are still human and can be misinformed and their weaknesses are not for us to attack, either. Communication can help us to understand why they act the way they do (family life or other bad experiences) which will help create a more in-depth conversation that's personalized and allows more consideration for both opinions. A lot of people don't remember/understand the concept/phrase, "you can guide a horse to water, but you cannot force it to drink" AND that it can go both ways at the same time. And the conversation can, respectfully, end when both parties make the effort to take this into consideration.

Reasons Why We Should Take the Time to Deal With a Bully

2.) If our bully is emotionally upset while arguing (and we all know that we cannot argue with emotion) it is still important to communicate rather than shutting them out.

First, we can ask ourselves why we are so adamant on not understanding this persons emotions as well as our own discomfort with our own emotions. We might believe we do not have the time to deal, but we should make/take the time to understand perceptions beyond your own. Otherwise, the bully that you are dealing with is just the "attacker" version of your own "defensive" version of a bully... Ultimately, you are both not helping and (obviously) not better.

Reasons Why We Should Take the Time to Deal With a Bully

3.) Shaming/shunning/punishing/condemning will not help anybody.

The victim mindset is not healthy for anyone, it does not bring growth and instead is an addicting and continuos cycle. Which we do not want for anyone. Why? Because if someone is in a dark pit, we don't bury them alive within it to help everyone else just because it is seen as "helping the greater good"... There are a lot of people in dark pits everywhere who aren't spotlighted on. Who are suffering from misunderstanding/confusion, lack of help and lack of self control. By burying the "problem" you are not facing it and not helping to cure/prevent/handle it. Not for your own friends/partners/children/parents and even yourself, not helping anyone. Because yes, it can happen to anyone and it can be anyone.

Reasons Why We Should Take the Time to Deal With a Bully

4.) If our idea of dealing with a bully is a smart-ass remark... NEWSFLASH: we are pretentious bullies too that is avoiding dealing with our own emotions.

Someone once said that, "no one can hurt you without your consent" to show them that you aren't hurt... isn't responding with a "bully" remark.

Reasons Why We Should Take the Time to Deal With a Bully

5.) If our idea of a response to things are an Ad-hominem attack: "that's retarded", "that's stupid", "that's gay", "that's ghetto", "don't be a pussy", "man-up", etc. that makes us ignorant bullies too.

Reasons Why We Should Take the Time to Deal With a Bully

6.) If we say that we hate: retards, stupid humans, people of color/size/shape, etc. We are being arrogant, prejudice and narcissistic bullies who have an education privilege.

Reasons Why We Should Take the Time to Deal With a Bully

7.) If we think we are superior than anyone, even animals, we are intolerant or discriminating bullies.

Reasons Why We Should Take the Time to Deal With a Bully

8.) If we get offended and then react defensively or attack others or gas light... We are selfish and egotistical bullies.

Reasons Why We Should Take the Time to Deal With a Bully

9.) We can be bullies in the bedroom or even "nice guy/girl" bullies.

Reasons Why We Should Take the Time to Deal With a Bully


There is, clearly, more to discuss on this topic, but no one has all the answers so I, obviously, can't cover everything. I used "we", "us" and "our" in this take because I want to make it clear that I'm also aware that I have a lot to learn and grasp, just like everyone else, because I know I'm human too. In an individualistic culture, such as America, most people don't care to take the time to empathize and understand others perceptions within conflicts. Which I believe makes this an important discussion.

Reasons Why We Should Take the Time to Deal With a Bully
Reasons Why We Should Take the Time to Deal With a Bully
1 Opinion