Debunking criticisms of communism and capitalist propaganda


Many people on here are very misinformed about communism so I made this BASIC debunking of Bourgeoisie lies I'll link much better learning resources at the end.

Debunking criticisms of communism and capitalist propaganda

1. Communism kills more than Nazism

Yeah I'm sure an ideology on workers rights is MUCH worse than one built on genocide *sigh* anyway on to the death counts and we meet the black book of communism (biased distortion of history written by illiterates) this book claims about 100 million people have been killed by communism first off this book counts Nazi-collaborators being executed as victims of communism (always good to trust a Nazi apologist book) and includes the 1921 Russia famine which was due to drought, war etc (also has no capitalist country ever had a famine 🤔🤔) and dishonestly attributes deaths ignoring : sanctions, foreign military intervention etc. Anyway even if we take this slander at face value if we compare this with Nazis tolls we get 15-20 million just from the holocaust (not just jews so don't try that 6 million shit) which is 1.25 million a year minimum compare this with the hyper-inflated communism 100 million in a century and it's STILL more. This doesn't even compare to capitalism.

Debunking criticisms of communism and capitalist propaganda

2. If you're a communist how come you have an iphone?

*Cringe intensifies* it's not always this but something to the effect of how you participate in Capitalism and benefit from it, anyway the elites make it so you have to or eat dirt and yeah I benefit I also get fucked and so do most people who aren't the elite. I'll let Noam Chomsky argue "Well, what capitalist system? Do you use a computer? Do you use the internet? Do you take an airplane? That comes from the state sector of the economy. I'm certainly a beneficiary of this state-based, quasi-market system; does that mean that I shouldn't try to make it a better society?" The internet is SOCIALIST also capitalism leaves you with no options it's like saying "people in 18th century America plantation corn must be advocates of slavery. Communism doesn't say live as a hermit and Marx himself thought you shouldn't externalize from a capitalist society.

Debunking criticisms of communism and capitalist propaganda

3. The great leap forward was genocide and irrevocably damaged China?

Next is Mao Zedong (personal hero of mine) some western writers are giving him responsibility for 40 million deaths (overblown figure) during the great leap forward. Firstly Mao was a huge proponent of the chinese people, during his lifetime his socialist policies improved welfare,poverty and yes hunger (FACT) also free health care and education were introduced. Anyway there were problems with the great leap forward but much of this was due to natural calamities, China's lack of industralisation (thanks imperialism), policy work and a schism with the USSR that meant they could no longer rely on them. The independence China gained from this however paved the way for rapid growth, increased standards of living and life expectancy in the decades to come. Problems in the first few years true, some policies were immoral (like all capitalist policy) this is vasty overblown. Chinese History scholar, Carl Riskin said "In general, it appears that the indications of hunger and hardship did not approach the kinds of qualitative evidence of mass famine that have accompanied other famines of comparable (if not equal) scale, including earlier famines in China".

Debunking criticisms of communism and capitalist propaganda

4. Capitalism promotes innovation and competition

This is actually correct (kinda) but not in the way you'd think. Innovation for capitalism means lower wages, moving to a foreign country or launch aggressive/slanderous ad campaigns there's no room for helping workers and others it's all about the bottom line. Capitalism thrives on corruption congress is owned by the elites. competition however is a lie in capitalism smaller companies are bought by large companies and monopolies emerge and once late stage capitalism and monopolies exist how much competition can the market possibly have. Furthermore once you get to this point how can innovation exist when everything is privatized capitalists block knowledge & know-how, via patents, IP-laws & paywalls, resulting in stagnation, serious development on 3D printers for example could only happens once certain patents ran out. PRIVATE PROPERTY STAGNATES KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION.

Debunking criticisms of communism and capitalist propaganda

5. Bad business practices can be stopped through ethical consumerism

Just no, the production of goods overseas is managed by large conglomerates. These groups don't regulate the factories overseas and this leads to big discrepancies between the portrayal of how the product is being made and how it's actually being made. Furthermore the "ethical" products are overpriced (cos the consumer should pay for the employees to not be slaves) and it's ironically a lot of bourgeoisie that buy these products while the working class have no choice (get closes from charity/thrift shops they are the most socialist and therefore best alternative forclothing. Finally consumerism isn't a solution no matter what type, it is inherently capitalist and our rapid consumption is the reason for these sweatshops. I'm not saying ethical consumerism is bad but it's like throwing feathers at a giant. WE NEEED TO BRING DOWN THE SYSTEM THROUGH REVOLUTION.

Debunking criticisms of communism and capitalist propaganda

I will probably do another one of these so no need to fear comrades, Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!


Debunking criticisms of communism and capitalist propaganda
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