Why do we Continue to Aid our Abusers?

Why do we Continue to Aid our Abusers?

For a long time I've been trying to understand all the negative parts of this world, how we are being controlled, who runs the farm, why it is immoral, etc., but now I'm going to be shifting my approach, and begin looking at solutions.

So maybe the real question I should be asking here is how do I get people to the point where they are willing to consider their own darkness? What does it take for somebody to get into the frame of mind where they can be open to the idea that they've been believing in and perpetuating a lie this whole time?

Ultimately that's what everyone doesn't want to admit; they don't want to say the words 'I was wrong, I was fooled, I was tricked into believing a lie'

Because it would make life difficult… People might actually have to change the way they live, or at least acknowledge that they are taking part in immoral acts, and everyone wants to think and believe they are a good person. Most of the evil people in the world think they are benevolent and great! They think they are the best person in the world!

Truth is, all of us are bad people in some way… all of us are supporting some immoral acts, none of us are perfect; we are all complicit in the evil that runs this planet to some degree.

Nowhere in the definition of the word evil does it say that one has to be aware of the fact that they are evil to be evil. It makes no sense to most people because they have a false definition of the word. Most will equate the word evil with someone having the mens rea or guilty mind. As long as your actions are contributing to evil, you are, at least in part, evil, or a bad person.

Focusing on the negative is necessary to become a learned individual, but dwelling on it for too long is unhealthy. I will never pretend it doesn't exist, I'm just trying to shift my focus to what can be done about it. What can we all do about it?

In order to do this, I need to know what it is that makes people look at anarchism and anarchists in the way that they do???

Most people seem to think that anarchists uphold a philosophy that would never work for society (and there are a few people who discredit the name and the true philosophy of anarchism, which is not typically understood when the term is brought up) anarchists are set aside and framed as bringers of chaos...but a society without government is not synonymous with chaos.

Also, most people when hearing the idea's behind the philosophy say, 'It sounds appealing, in theory it's great'.

Conclusion, most people actually would like to live this way, but in their lack of imagination and creative thought ability, they just say, 'it can never happen, it'll never work'. As if you can really be so sure...it's just easier to say that which is why people do.

We "the people" are the majority of this planet. All we have to do is take a stance, what is big brother going to do? Put us all in jail? Make us pay? For what? We already have the infrastructure which only needs maintenance. Cutting off "big brother" doesn’t mean that people suddenly lose their skills. People who where doctors are still doctors, people who build houses can still build houses, except it won't bring in profit for the government. Is that really a formula for chaos and disaster?

Fair enough, I can't say there won’t be any form of governance, but I can say a government doesn’t need to exist to gain a profit and can be based on voluntary input, unlike to what's happening right now (one cannot choose to not pay taxes). I won't say I have the answers, my goal is to wake people up and open their eyes to what is happening around them and we all have the most wonderful unique minds.. .surely together we can come up with some solution besides blindly following the pied piper off what may very well be a cliff.

And to all the like minded people already out there, come help wake people up! If enough people can open their eyes, solutions will come on their own. Dare to speak up. You hate authority and love debating so go do it! Have that debate, try to get people open-minded enough to set that imagination free and work towards ideas and solutions.

The important thing to remember here is that anarchy is the only alternative to government/statism. Any system besides one where a government exists by coercive force by definition exists under the umbrella of 'anarchy'. Really this term could encompass a world of possibilities currently unbeknownst to us, new ways of self organizing that don't involve the violation of the non aggression principle. Just because we can't currently see how it would work practically (and if you look around the internet you'll see people have already come up with some brilliant solutions) doesn't mean that it can never work. Back when owning slaves was normal, few people could conceive of how the world would function without slaves. 'who will pick the cotton?' they cried in vain. Somehow we managed, and the people gained much freedom in the process.

Just as that kind of slavery is now considered abominable by the civilized world today, so too will our current form of slavery which is government as it exists today (funded by theft and the violation of the non aggression principle) be considered the same in the inevitable anarchist future.

'Oh, but I'm just a law abiding citizen, I have nothing to fear if I don't break the law'

Many an innocent dead man has thought the same...this massive all powerful entity that we the people uphold through our cooperation in their rape of us could be turned against any individual at any time. Government does whatever the fuck it wants and makes up the justification later. They can break into your house and murder you and make up a story. You really think that this authority we delegate to these people won't be abused? No one is fit to wield absolute authority over another human being, it's fundamentally immoral and DOES NOT EXIST. It is an illusion, and as long as we cooperate, we will remain ever shackled to our abuser. So maybe somebody realizes this and tries to say something, what happens? This brings me to my final point...

Stockholm syndrome. The average citizen (at least in the west) will defend the government, not necessarily the specific people in power at any given time, but the idea that government needs to exist and their issue with the politicians isn't that they are doing too much, it's that they aren't doing enough!!! They want to give them more power, give them power over healthcare, over licensing, over every aspect of our lives OH PLEASE KEEP US SAFE BIG BROTHER!!!! As long as we are in fear, we will gladly be pillaged in exchange for the illusion of safety, and even defend our abuser!!!

So when a rare individual decides to speak up about the inherent immorality of this whole situation, the first thing they are confronted by is a massive hoard of scared, pitiful cowards, who would rather call you names than actually consider the possibility that they may have been played like a fool this entire time. They do NOT want to believe that their trust has been misplaced, they do NOT want to have to re arrange their worldview from a happy utopia to the festering hellhole this earth has become, and above all, they simply cannot admit that the majority may be very, very wrong, at the very highest levels of our society, and that the less popular opinion, the minority opinion, might actually be correct.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is herd mentality at its finest, and when we act like a herd, we can be manipulated like a herd, or in other words, 'HERDED'.

For those who are yet unclear, let me give a brief synopsis of my main point here: By supporting the idea of government, by defending the idea that we need it to exist 'peacefully' if that's what you call this, you are aiding your abuser. That guy who would pluck you up, put you on a plane and give you a gun to shoot some brown dude on the other side of the world with only their good word telling you it's 'for the good of the country' as justification for why this needs to be done. That same guy who would put you in jail for years and years for trying to sell your product without giving him his cut. The one who will take the solar panels off your roof because you're infringing on the corrupt power company's monopoly.

You are defending and aiding them. From the bottom of my heart, I offer a most sincere suggestion

FUCKING STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am more than happy to elaborate on anything and everything in the comments section

Special thanks to White Widow without whom this take would never have been made <3

Why do we Continue to Aid our Abusers?
8 Opinion