My #911 Journey: From the Beacon of Truth to the World View I Now Hold


(I am well aware that posting this kind of content might make me seem crazy and cause a multitude of users on this website to no longer take me seriously or even go as far as a block. I do this to showcase that its better to speak the truth about your experiences rather then to be silent. For the many of you that are willing to listen, thank you for reading my story. If you liked what i wrote or my courage to do so the biggest thank you you can give me is to refuse being silent about controversial subjects yourself to further break the barrier of information restriction. I mostly wrote this to defend your right to speak by setting the example its ok to do so regardless of what people might think.).

The beginning

It all began when something peaked my interest, once and for all i wanted to know why i am constantly being spied upon by the NSA. Why did they sign the Patriot Act that is so clearly against the citizens? I knew it happened because of 911, but could it be 911 happened because of it instead of the other way around? How likely is the official story, how likely are the conspiracy theories and ultimately what would the answer to that mean? What is really going on behind the scenes and what is the real truth?

While i can't recall what inside of me made me so determined (Its actually likely it was because it was 9/11 that day) to find out i felt like i just had to see the truth for myself. Discover how the world truly works and for once listen to the other side of the stories i have been told to make up my own mind.

What i found has changed my world view forever, and this was my journey.

Youtube was my best friend (unfortunately it no longer is, this section contains video's that aren't convincing evidence)

In 2016 the landscape of the online platforms was a lot different then it is now. Trump wasn't elected yet and while certain things where being filtered they still had the belief that they could control the narrative without filtering content that opposed it. These days this content is much, much harder to find but if you searched for 9/11 back then conspiracy video's where often highly ranked and easily available.

So i started watching, people where debating if there was truly an attack or if there wasn't. Questioning the interviews and showing some footage that a plane went trough the building. It was that typical conspiracy theorist analytical stuff where you would sometimes just assume people are utterly utterly paranoid. Chances are you think this of me while you are reading this given the subject matter and i was just as skeptical of both sides of the story.

I found all kinds of video's, including this video where trump talks about the incident as he was involved with the construction of these buildings (It won't proof anything, but it marks a good example of the kind of content i was seeing).

I found a few repeating patterns in particular, eye witnesses claimed to hear bombs go off and some did not have a clue what the planes where about as they didn't see a plane.

My search was still in full blast as i was not yet convinced, but then i stumbled upon 2 things. The evidence that convinced me and the documentary that changed my entire world view.

The evidence that convinced me

As the logical thinker that i am the best method to convince me is with logic. So the evidence i find most convincing was the logic behind the fact it is a controlled demolition.

To convince myself of this argument and accept that it is indeed not as the official story makes it seem i compared 9/11 to some controlled demolitions. Keep in mind what i am about to show you are not conspiracy video's. I posted those in the earlier sections, for this one i am going to present actual factual information and make my own argument for you to agree or disagree with. If you do not wish to see conspiracy video's these video's are the ones to watch.

Video 1: What you would expect to happen and initially did happen (This is about the footage, the words in this news program might contain a bias)

Here is the first video of what happened after the plane crash, i do believe there was indeed a plane and that this is an actual plane crash at least on the first building shown here. A chunk is taken out of the building and the building is on fire. While hard to extinguish it is mostly in flames and would burn out. If the fire would cause structural damage it would mostly be visual damage and at worst a chunk of the tower would break off although even that is not very likely. I will not make a comment whose plane it was as i am not able to say this. But what i do conclude is that there was indeed a terrorist attack with a plane involved at least for the first tower.

Video 2: The actual collapse

This is as far as i can tell raw footage, at most the audio is manipulated but the visuals are the clearest i could find. There is one thing to note here, look how straight that tower falls down. This conflicts with my logic, after all if it where a plane attack wouldn't the integrity be weaker on one side where there is a hole in the wall and a ton of fire? You would expect to if it where to naturally get damaged fall over or break off to the side, not perfectly straight. The smoke from the crash and fire certainly helps cover things up and make it seem realistic, but if you think about the physics involved it actually does not make sense.

Video 3: Unrelated demolition footage

This demolition is done by professionals, it requires extremely precise timing for it to fall straight down. As you can see the fall except for the fire at the top is identical to the 9/11 collapse, straight down without any bits breaking or falling off.

Video 4: Demolitions gone wrong

This video will proof how difficult it is to do a demolition properly, these buildings are all collapsed by timed explosives but in these cases it was either not timed properly or not planted properly. Buildings are build to withstand all kinds of extreme weather, they don't simply implode even if you use brute force. Especially given the damage was done to one side, the twin towers could have never collapsed straight or completely if it wasn't for human controlled precision, they opted for minimum damage to the other buildings rather then something more believable.

The conclusion to this is that the footage aside from the fire and the hole in the building looks identical to a controlled demolition, that means regardless off who has done it a skilled team of people capable of demolition was involved here. Given the time and precision required no foreign terrorist organisation can possibly have done this.

The Documentary that changed my entire world view

Now that i knew for certain the 911 attacks where staged it was time to find out more, the first piece of a larger puzzle has been solved now it is time to look deeper. Luckily i stumbled on upon what is probably one of the best history documentaries i have ever seen and i heavily recommend those of you who are interested in history, society and politics to watch the full version. It will go all the way back to the ancient rome, will go trough Nazi Germany to the assassination of JFK then 9/11 and finally end with modern multiculturalism all including some secret societies that play a role.

Since the entire thing is often taken down on Youtube and only re-uploads exist i will share a byte sized section of 6 minutes about 9/11 and the modern day. The really in depth stuff is in the full video which i will link from where you can see the full thing including some comments on the page that explain where the documentary was incomplete even though they to praise it.

Full version: (JFK to 9/11: Everything is a rich mans trick).

In summary the documentary shows that throughout history all the way back to ancient Rome there has always been one thing that has been consistent including the tricks that have been pulled. You always had a rich elite class who are pulling stunts on the people so they feel like they need them for protection and stay in line. The elite class can then overtax them and essentially rob them off there belongings for nothing but a lie. They also use it to justify wars and justify it for removal of liberty during the period that people are still in shock and are under the illusion they need the protection while in reality its the same people "protecting" you that are behind the scenes.

One interesting thing that comes to light in the full documentary is the fact that wars are all very long and often serve a merely economical purpose. After all doesn't america have such a large army? Then why do they send in just enough troops to keep the fights going? That simply is because if there where no war there would be no profit for the immensely expensive war industry so they have to supply them just enough on both sides to make the fight last as long as possible.

Shockingly the full documentary even points out this elite class playing war games was true for the second world war where the concentration camps where there to rob the Jews from there wealth. But if you are interested in hearing more of that i recommend watching the full video.

The Destination

While the documentary was very convincing and i adopted most of it into my world view i do find it focused to much on individual groups who i personally believe to be a distraction from what is really going on. But the basic philosophy of the wealthy buying more wealth at any cost absolutely stuck.

To me the entire world is ran like a business, the elite class is so wealthy because they do not play fair. To do this they have to infiltrate the political system with there own people that are usually backed with large sums of money and are always favorably reported on by large corporations while the opponents outside of this elite globalist group are slandered to prevent them from gaining power.

In essence the entire world is ran as a corporation, we are the consumers and they are the shareholders. And when you look at any corporations where shareholders are at stake (Take EA's games for example) then you will find that it is the customer second shareholders first pretty much without exception although if they do it will the fact it is that way is completely hidden. The product should never become a shareholder and to prevent them from supporting there "company" tricks are pulled to ensure the customers need there services and agree to what is most beneficial for the people who invested there money in these en-devours.

So how do we stop this? Its actually very simple but it does take a large mass of people to do. We have to systemically change the flaws in our society. Not by replacing the entire system, but by patching the exploitable aspects that they are abusing. Replacing capitalism for example will just mean the same people will hold all wealth as they are the leaders of the world and at that point you don't have any off your own to combat it as in essence everything will belong to the state. So it is obvious that we need to fix society instead using the base we already have since it worked great to create wealth.

The prime example in my eyes is Switzerland they have a political system immune to these corrupting powers simply by allowing the citizens to start binding votes about any subject and polling there opinion frequently. Buying out a small group of people to act out against the interest of the people is easy. Buying out an entire nation to act against there own interest is impossible.

Up next is that the state once this policy is in place needs to seize the banking industry and enforce new rules. The interest rates should be equal by mandate, for example 5% for loans and 5% for savings. It is this way because otherwise if you have a higher rate for loans and a lower rate for savings all the money flows upwards to the few that hold the bank. Including the money the government loans from them (The federal bank is also a private corporation). You also ideally need a policy in place that everything needs to be sold with not only a price but the profit margin on display so we can stop inflation before it happens as people can then see when it happens.

But until it is that time it is very important to know who you are voting for in your nation since many nations will need an elected leader to vote in the initial binding polls that would set you free. You need someone to strive for the citizens of the nation rather then a global agenda (As the larger a nation the less power the individuals hold) and you need that person to be individually backed instead of accepting money from large corporations as they are simply buying in there power. The corporate media is a good indicator to since they will always be the most positive about the candidates that favor them instead of you.

So in short: The entire world is ran by elite shareholders because the government can be bribed to do things against you mostly trough the backing of a candidate. And this can be fixed if you demand a bill that allows you to do public binding polls that allow you to overrule a policy and enforce change if the majority of citizens agree's with the change.

Finally we would need to get a policy to demand labels on media that show what the biases are of the people presenting / the companies involved. For example it is useful to know that your weather man has share in solar panels if he is constantly talking about climate change because of CO2 (Actual example from the Netherlands).

Final word

As the final word i would like to thank you for reading the take, it is a lot to take in and the summary is just the tip of the iceberg of all the evidence that is out there. I tried to do my best to peak your interest, but if i did you likely want to dig deeper and find out for yourself. Absolutely do this as it helps you see the world how it truly is. Keep in mind it doesn't make the world less beautiful then it is as i still hold a lot of love for the world. It merely helps you see where darkness has yet to be chased out and what we can do to make it even better.

My PM's are open for those who seek to converse more discreetly about my world view or any of the touched upon subjects. But feel free to share your own interpretations as well.

I do ask that you don't shout people down for being open minded if you are not yourself. Instead converse and debate in depth.

Once again thank you for reading this lengthy MyTake, i hope it helped open your mind.

My #911 Journey: From the Beacon of Truth to the World View I Now Hold
44 Opinion