Why I Hate the Quote "Be Yourself"

just some random image that was sort of similar to what I'm talking about
just some random image that was sort of similar to what I'm talking about

Look I'm probably gonna offend heaps of people and probably make my self look more depressed then I probably am...

But when ever I hear the phrase "Just be yourself" It makes me confused...like really confused...here is why I hate it and if anyone can shed some light on it, be my guest.

So what if that person is horrible, so you tell a brat spoiled person to be themselves..and what are they going to do?, change?, do something right?, No, they are going to do exactly what they want, follow their own personality. (of course if they take it literal but even in a non literal form it sounds confusing)

Myself is changing all the damn time, every second, my personality, mood just switches...

and it leaves me to think, do I have multiple personality disorder, or am I just moody..(labels are pretty bs too), Like for example, I am told to be myself but how can I when I change so freeking often, my opinions are just thrown out the window, one minute Im incredibly shy the next I am so loud it annoys everyone, then the next Im really determined, then suddenly Im lazy, then suddenly Im really chill..

And then (as in right now especially) I just stress out over things I shouldn't be stressing out even about. And oh yeah Im supposedly impulsive...but that makes no sense because I still think before I do stuff, I just give up thinking to much and do it anyway..

So thats that, thats my self right?...Also a bit of a loner, carefree, quiet, indecisive person...

The reason I change so much is not because I'm trying to fit in, or trying to be liked..it is mainly just because I just feel comfortable like it like that

So suddenly I get told to be myself.. "Well, how.." How do you be yourself?, my first thought was to just wing it in life...but then that makes me spontaneous which is something I don't want, see we can change ourselves so easily, we can decide what label we want to be like and we can decide what traits we have..if its all choice then do we decide who we are?...

It thats the case then what if you can't decide...I mean all of this is subjective...so do we really have to be ourselves?... and even when I try to be myself..everyone just thinks I'm copying someone else or being to weird.

Everyone sort of just contradicts themselves with this quote, they say to be yourself but as soon as you step out of line and write some ridiculous mytake on being yourself...You are suddenly weird, or as soon as you do whatever you want, you are selfish...and they say to follow your dreams..

What dreams?, what if yourself wanted to just look at things in the present...why does society constantly just assume we all are the exact same

Forgive me for the long really confusing literal rant but even some of family get annoyed by this saying to..."Be yourself....As long as its following society guide lines" "Be yourself.....as long as its kind" And to be fair, we are supposed to be improving ourselves at the exact same time staying the same..so how does that even work

Why I Hate the Quote "Be Yourself"
10 Opinion