Why Socialism Will Never Work

Why Socialism Will Never Work

Socialism, the most ignorant buts also the most dangerous ideology society has ever had. the idea of equality hypnotizes mankind, but dont we all know that there is to much inequality in the world for this idea to blossom? it dosent blossom because it is not a flower, it is a weed.

should it not be enough to say, that every time through all of history it has been tried it has led to hundreds of millions of deaths and the most horrific conditions mankind has ever gone through? (I can go more into detail if you want.) We can't event count how many we lost in Soviet-Russia and in China, but we think that it is between 60-100 million in each country, each... And if that is not enough, in Venezuela the deaths of starvation is so high that it is now illegal for the hospitals to report deaths by starvation. And one of the very few ways the people can get food is to shoot the dogs walking around in there streets.

here is little story about how six of these tens of millions of people who died in Soviet-Russia: after doing a big harvest before the winter and turning it in(to the government of course.), six farmers went back to there field to pick up the scraps and leftovers to feed to there horses. thats it, that is what six farmers got shot, and executed for.

this is only one of the problems with socialism, when it starts so spread its "equality" it never stops. like an snake in the grass, it spreads trough the system and poisons every living thing it can find. you cannot even see where its coming from, but its surely moving swiftly towards you.

Socialism in any form does not only lead to the destruction of our human life, it also shatters our human spirit. it denies us to do what we desire most, and that is to grow. like Nietzsche explains: "one must possess something in order to be some one." and in some other words. "one must desire more than one has in order to become more." And in one word "growth." and this is what life teaches all living things, and this is what Socialism puts an end to.

Why Socialism Will Never Work
23 Opinion