FALSE ! The middle east again !

Hello / مرحبا

Today's take is going to be about the middle east , after the many negative comments on my earlier take on the middle east.

Suggested reading tracks :

So what do you know about the Middle East ?

What do you know about the middle east?

Lets see what did you answer about this :

@Athena374 :

"Women are raped all the time over there and they have little rights."

@Metallsturm :
" * Plenty of sand and oil, with no plan whatsoever what they will do when oil will run out (likely don't even know that oil has a tendency to end)
* Terrorists
* Low IQ muslims everywhere
* Human rights are nearly non-existent
* Haven't invented anything on their own worth mentioning in nearly a millennia
* Rely on kafirs they hate oh so much in basically everything and are as helpless as infants without them
* Women are treated as 2nd rate humans
* Fun is either restricted or forbidden
* Whenever they appear in civilized lands, parallel societies & increased crime rates follow.
* One is likely to get brutally beaten and/or murdered for not believing in imaginary friend called "allah"

So glad I wasn't born there."


"A ton of rapes happen over there women barely have rights as well. They can’t even pay sports. Smh."

@Apple1996 :
"I know that all of the people there are gorgeous"

Most of the opinions were about the struggle with Israel , and terrorism and Islam and how backwards are people there , some were positive stating that people there are attractive.

But the question is , is it really that bad ?

First I want to say some words that cuts to the chase and personal to all of you:

You only said what you don't see fit with your own thoughts and what you get from the media , most of who talked about it never been to the middle east or at least have been and had a bad experience, but I want to say that this place have been one of the best places in the history , sadly now it is suffering from so many plots that made it hard to believe people live normally there, you need to know

We are humans and we have normal lives which we enjoy and live, might not be the best but we are happy

I will address the negative stuff first so ,Here we go now:

-The struggle :

Still going on !
Still going on !

Most of the people talked about the Palestine / Israel situation , and I would like to say that you will only keep dragging us all down to this hell hole , this is something that has been going for a 100 year, both sides are fighting , one is right , or used to be the other is wrong, and now seems right to everyone, that spot of holy land is for everyone , not for Jews not for Muslims not for Christians only, oppression is all that is going on, don't deny that Israel isn't fair and oppressing people and breaking SO many of international laws.

- Terrorism :

Arab +Muslim = Terrorist !
Arab +Muslim = Terrorist !

You need to know that if you link terrorism to Arabs or Islam then you can follow these steps :

- Open up your skull

- There is something called brain in there, take it off and throw it to the nearest garbage bin

- You can put a pickle instead of that brain you had , it will be an upgrade !

He is shocked !
He is shocked !

First of in Islam , it is a great sin to kill a soul (A SOUL NOT JUST HUMANS) even in wars it is prohibited to cut a tree or kill an animal or elders or a woman or anyone who isn't fighting !

The only times killing is allowed is in war, or a killer (in vengeance but it is preferable to forgive ) or in cheating in marriage(which needs to be proven by four people that or the confession of the cheating part and the partner's testimony won't count in a case like this)

So Islam has and had nothing to do with terrorism , it actually means peace in Arabic so wake up and stop that crap, Islam came to stop the things that Arabs did wrong, such as slavery, adultery and vengeance .

- Oppression of women :

Oh, in the middle east !! no photoshop !
Oh, in the middle east !! no photoshop !

First , feminism is taking shit way too much it is becoming crap and awful, women have right and they are protected by laws more than men are in many ways you can't even imagine and I have many cases in the most "extreme" places in the world .

I worked in KSA for two years, now in KSA things have changed , women can drive and they can take off their Hijab if they want to , oppressed ?? not anymore!

This too !
This too !

Believe me that you can have a life that you can't imagine in that place if you wanted after I have seen many women and asked about how life is in KSA, they were enjoying their lives and happy with no issues as you mostly assumed , actually one of them didn't want to go back to England !!

- Rape

Don't you dare !
Don't you dare !

This is where people started making assumptions and taking things way too far, I will do another take for this topic , as I saw a really shocking numbers after researching it , but today I won't be talking about numbers , I will talk about what I know from our values and morals.

In Islam , rape is a big sin it could be punishable by death (which happened a while ago in KSA) , it is forbidden to touch a woman if she isn't yours and it is forbidden to have sex with anyone other than your wife\husband , so it is clear how Islam is against rape !

In my society , your future can end as a guy if a girl said that you touched her in a wrong way, even cops are threatened by this if a girl wants to do that , so I think rape would be even much bigger problem here and would have so many consequences.

This is #NotSweetNovember a bit harsh I guess with my tone ,but you can live with that I guess!

Now it is time for the good stuff

- Family values:

Family :)
Family :)

In most places , when you hit 18 you just move out from your house and forget about your family or having a family, while here in the middle east you don't.

Most people here stays with their families or at least close to them , most would leave when they get married or have to work abroad , as it is important that we keep our family close to us and most people here would want to have a family of their own one day.

- Generosity :


This is pretty much simple, you can go to lunch with any middle eastern friend and you won't be able to pay for your lunch anyway, most people here are generous and open their places as it is a part of out heritage and culture .

- A stranger in need is a friend indeed :

Help is free and for everyone
Help is free and for everyone

You can't have a broken down car and expect people not to help in here, it is common in here that people would jump to the rescue for someone in need and they will take it all the way to help them and it is natural to happen in here.

- Women rights:

Ameerah Al-Taweel from KSA !
Ameerah Al-Taweel from KSA !

A woman in the middle east is the queen of the house, she is treated as the base of everything , freedom might be not as much as other countries have but a woman is free to do as she want for sure just like anywhere else in the world, now in KSA it is a bit different , but things are changing there , women can drive now and many more changes are coming .

I guess I don't need to add much more to this take I found a couple of videos for you.

First one:

Second one: This one is about a guy how is hitting a stray dog (not a dog but a dummy in the bag) go to 2:30 :(

Third one: this is in a pharmacy where this poor kid didn't have enough money to pay for his mother's medication, many times something like this happened in front of me.

I guess these are enough to make you understand what is it to be in the middle east ,I am from there , and I am damn proud for being from the Middle East , and proud to be a human with these values

That 's all folks

Peace be upon you all <3

FALSE ! The middle east again !
Post Opinion