Why the Trump Wall Matters!


This MyTake is going to be short and sweet. It's for anyone who doesn't see why the Wall matters and we are at such a critical point right now.

Why the Trump Wall Matters!

No, it will not actually stop all illegal immigration. Not even close. It's not the point, either.

The point of the Trump Wall is very simple--symbols matter, and moral victories matter.

Why the Trump Wall Matters!

Do you know why this story was so important for the media, about tear gassing mobs of Central Americans as they tried to break through the US border? Because the Media, and the Left, deep down, does not believe the American people have a right to exist. They don't believe the USA has a right to exist. They believe Central Americans, or Arabs, or Africans, have a moral right to settle the United States and control it.

Why the Trump Wall Matters!

The battle about the wall isn't about money, either. We already give billions of dollars in foreign aid every year. We already spend over half a trillion dollars on the military and defense every year. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_budget_of_the_United_States

The Wall is simple, it's a battle between different nations in the USA.

If the Wall is built, then the European Americans have won a battle and declared that the United States does belong to Americans. It declares the USA has a right to control its borders, to make their own choices.

If the Wall is defeated, then the Africans, the hispanics, and the leftist whites have won. They will have won a victory declaring there is no American people--that anyone can be an American, and by extension, no one is actually an American. They will have won a victory declaring the USA belongs to the world and Americans have no more right to it than Hondurans or Mexicans or Kenyans or Chads, and that Americans have no moral right to prevent themselves from becoming a controlled minority as their home is settled by foreigners--in essence, throwing open the city gates and declaring that the residents have no claim on the city anymore than the invasion force does.

This is why fundraisers matter little. Why the pretend claims of budget concerns matter little. The issue of the Wall is whether there is an American people, and whether they have a moral right to exist.

While I personally would be glad to see it built, I don't think Americans have the willpower or stomach to forcefully say they have a right to exist, or a right to control their country. Violent civil war and ethnic cleansing, historically speaking, seems much more likely.

Why the Trump Wall Matters!
45 Opinion