What I think of this GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN

What I think of this GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN

So the U.S. government has been shut down for what, 30 days now, I don't know I lost track, but this has sparked a big dichotomy across the entire nation. Depending on which side your on you either think Trump is being a brat trying to get what he wants, or you think the left is being uncooperative out of spite of Trump, well I'm going to share my opinion because why the fuck not.

I'm just going to say it right from the rip, I mostly support Trump on this issue. If you decided to keep reading after that sentence and not write a nasty opinion without reading the entire take, first of all thanks, secondly your going to hear my honest opinion and my criticism on Trump.

What I think of this GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN

Now, if your an American you most likely know that this government shutdown is over the southern border wall. I'm going to say that I support the wall, I'm not saying that it's going to be perfect, this one thing is not going to solve border security entirely shit doesn't work like that, but I do think that it's one thing out of many. I think the Democrat run House is not giving the funding in spite of Trump, many of them said at one time or another that they want tougher border security. but right now they don't want it because Trump is enforcing it. So I think it's not that they disagree on the wall, they just don't like Trump because well... he's Trump. I don't understand how over the years we spent TRILLIONS of dollars in bombing other countries, but when we want to spend 20 billion dollars in improving our own country all of a sudden we don't have the money or it's a waste of money, I think the U.S. spends too much money on other countries and not enough on our own country. But I will criticize Trump on this, why didn't he try to push this through when the Republicans had the Senate and the House? Why didn't he do this before the midterm election? Now that the Democrats run the house you can't get the wall funding, NO SHIT SHERLOCK!! I think he should have taken the perfect opportunity when he had the chance.

What I think of this GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN

I know some of you are going to try to debate me on the wall and I'm just going to say what I think about the wall. I think the wall is one thing out of multiple things that needs to be done about border security. I think we also need drones and electrical surveillance systems, we need to invest more money in ICE and need to be paid more and we need to hire more ICE. I heard ICE takes sometime between a couple of hour to a couple of days to respond, and I think we need to improve ICE so they can respond right away, and we really need to crack down on businesses who knowingly hire illegals and hit them with something that really hurts. The wall will not only discourage illegals from trying to cross the border without knowing our laws, it can also help against these giant caravans who try to come in by the thousands like an invading army, not only that but it also forces them to go through the right way. Wall not only protect you from the outside, but it also forces people to use the front door. I don't think all illegal immigrants are bad, but they must go through the legal process and learn our laws and such, the age of consent in Mexico is 12 and they need to know that sleeping with a 6 grader in America doesn't fly at all. It''s also for the immigrants own good too, if your not a legal U.S. citizen then you don't necessarily have the rights that legal Americans do have, that's not my opinion that's just how things work, and if they don't have the rights that Americans have that makes them vulnerable to be used and abused in the workplace and they can't report it because of the risk of being deported.

What I think of this GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN

Also, about the federal workers, I hate how they are going out of pay for this issue and still working. I hate how hey have to be at the forefront of this issue, I mean what do they have to do with this, they just want an honest pay for their work so they can pay their payment and feed their families, and now they can't because of this dichotomy. I think the Democrats need to stop being selfish and butt hurt and allow Trump to BUILD THE WALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What I think of this GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN
Post Opinion