Why This Cigarette Smoker Does Not Like Weed


The Devil’s Lettuce

It Shouldn’t Be Legalized

I don’t care how many of you potheads tell me: “It’s not a drug, it’s a plant.” It’s illegal for a reason. Bitter about getting your granja getting seized by the cops? Good. You shouldn’t be having it in the first place! Much like heroin and cocaine, weed should be kept illegal! 🤷🏻‍♀️

It Makes People Dumb

Smoking and ingesting weed kills brain cells. Look it up. Given the fact that the amount of young people subscribing to the use of this drug has increased substantially recently due to the idea that weed is “fun” and “harmless”, it makes sense that test scores are slipping. Weed also makes you lazy and unproductive, which can be a permanent side effect of long-term use.

It’s Addictive

Many people claim to partake in this drug because it “helps with their anxiety” or “helps them sleep”. Those are just excuses, and weak ones at that. Heavy, prolonged use of any drug is indicative of addiction. Yes, weed IS addictive. Look up the complications of daily weed use. Many potheads can’t even function without getting their fix by “waking and baking”.

It Can Be Lethal

You always hear about the alleged “benefits” of smoking weed, but have you ever noticed that the side effects and risks are often glossed over? There was recently NEWS about a guy who accidentally triggered a heart attack when he smoked weed for the first time. Weed is also linked to psychosis disorders, such as schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. 😑 Yet you kids keep insisting that weed is “harmless”. 🙄 Wake up and get out of your little fantasy lands.

It Stinks!

I loathe the scent that potheads give off whenever they walk past me. You’d may as well stop showering, while you’re at it. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I wouldn’t be surprised if potheads didn’t shower. As I’ve mentioned before, investing weed depletes cognitive function.

Yes I smoke cigarettes and I drink alcohol on occasion, as I am a woman of a certain age. However I am not addicted to any of this. Furthermore, my habits don’t impact my work life or social life at all. I can function just fine, cognitively and all. The bottom line is: Don’t do illegal substances and expect not to experience any negative side effects. Follow the law, like an upstanding citizen. PERIOD. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Why This Cigarette Smoker Does Not Like Weed
Why This Cigarette Smoker Does Not Like Weed
26 Opinion