Unpopular Opinion: Internet harassment isn't gendered. You can't change my mind

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Internet harassment isn't gendered despite people attempting to make it into a gendered issue (much the same way they have attempted to make domestic violence/abuse a gendered issue).

Internet harassment isn't new either. Whether it's death threats/threats of violence in general, doxxing, etc, it's not gendered. And for the longest time, nobody really gave a shit about it. It wasn't until the whole gamergate fiasco that people decided not only was internet harassment 'serious business', it was a gendered issue; and as John Oliver pointed out "If you dont think internet harassment is a problem, well congratulations on your white penis".

Except it isn't a gendered issue. Men have dealt with internet harassment long before the gamergate fiasco took hold. Only difference is, nobody gave a shit. Men were simply told they needed to quit crying male tears because women have it worse. Now all of a sudden people start caring about internet harassment when it happens to women. You know what, I'm not buying it, especially when the same people that claim to be against harassment are willing to engage in doxxing and death threats and feel its justified as long as its in the name of 'social justice'.

Now with all that being said, Fellas what are your experiences with online harassment? Have you dealt with death threats or doxing? Did you get harassed by men/women online? Feel free to share your experiences.

Unpopular Opinion: Internet harassment isn't gendered. You can't change my mind
Post Opinion