Conflict between liberal Muslims like me and strict intolerant conservative Muslims

Today, my Pakistani dad falsely accused my mom of cheating just because her 24 year old cousin wished her a happy birthday on whatsapp. I even told my dad that her 24 year old cousin is MY boyfriend. Yet, my dad thinks saying hello to the opposite gender is equal to cheating. My dad is so stubborn that he can't be reasoned with.

As a Pakistani, I know how stubborn and in-denial my Pakistanis are.

My Pakistani dad was raised in a very orthodox and a backward village and he left school after 6th standard to become a construction worker in Hong Kong.

Therefore, I am not surprised to see his orthodox mentality, where wishing someone happy birthday is equal to cheating. He has an ancient mentality that has become outdated where saying hello to someone was equal to cheating. He just can't accept that the world has moved on and it is now 2019.

I literally told my dad, "Dad, this is 2019. A woman can talk to her male cousin."

My dad thinks it is okay for him to say hello to his female cousins but a crime for my mom to say hello to male cousin, who is 20 years younger and MY boyfriend.

I said everything I could to condemn my dad's ancient and barbaric mentality which is not compatible with 21st century but he told me "A man is still a man."

I think he should taste his own medicine every time he says hello to his female cousin or female colleagues.

My dad is like that to my mom
My dad is like that to my mom

If my Pakistani Muslim mom was in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia, she would have been stoned to death over false accusation of cheating just because her 24 year old male cousin wished her a happy birthday.

See the problem with the Sharia law?

Innocent and chaste Muslim women are falsely accused of fornication and cheating just because they said hello to someone of the opposite gender.

Imagine, an innocent Muslim woman being lashed 100 times in public over a false accusation of fornication just because she said hello to someone or asked a taxi driver for directions.

Or imagine my innocent mom being stoned to death over a false accusation of cheating just because her 24 year old male cousin wished her a happy birthday.

Being stoned to death over accusations of adultery
Being stoned to death over accusations of adultery

There are so many stories of innocent servants being beaten brutally when something is missing and then it turns the person just forgot when he put his belongings.

Children working as servants who are often beaten over false robbery cases
Children working as servants who are often beaten over false robbery cases

The next time a child moans about school or homework show him pictures of child labour, where children work at servants and even slaves and are beaten brutally.

Yesterday, despite being a Muslim, I told a Muslim boy that I don't agree with Sharia law and he replied saying, "a blasphemy case should be filed on you."

Such stories are very common where innocent people are falsely accused of blasphemy just because someone wants to settle a personal score.

I am a Muslim and someone falsely accused me of blasphemy just because he didn't like me.

On the other hand, the intolerant religious society just can't be reasoned with because this is something they are so emotional about that they can't spare a minute to ask themselves, "What if the person is innocent?" or "What if someone just wants to settle a personal score?"

The pronounciation is Asiya
The pronounciation is Asiya
Pakistanis demanding the court to hang Asia Bibi over blasphemy
Pakistanis demanding the court to hang Asia Bibi over blasphemy

She stayed in jail for 8 years over a false accusation of blasphemy. What happened was she just argued with two Muslim women when they didn't let her drink water from the well just because she is Christian. The entire nation protested to demand the court to hang her when she was freed after 8 years and declared innocent. #Feeling Ashamed to be a Pakistani

Shame on my people.

They don't even spare children
They don't even spare children

My fellow Muslims must understand that the situation was different 1400 years ago when courts, judges and lawyers didn't exist. Nowadays, instead of chopping hands off, we just put the person in prison and protect his human rights at the same time. More than 1400 years ago, they didn't have prisons, courts, lawyers, judges or police like we do in the 21st century.

Regarding punishments of fornication and adultery, 1400 years ago, even though those punishments were used to make Islam stronger and to make people abide by Islamic rules using fear.

However, nowadays those punishments will just lead to Islamophobia even though 1400 years, it made Islam stronger. THAT'S the difference.

When a Pakistani social media star Qandeel Baloch was killed in the name of honour for being provocative on social media, Pakistanis thought it was important to "save" conservative culture and Islam.

However, it just ruined Pakistan's image when British media made a documentary about her.

It led to a number of things.

It made her more famous, it ruined the country's image and it led to Islamophobia.

Qandeel Baloch killed in the name of honour for being a provocative social media star
Qandeel Baloch killed in the name of honour for being a provocative social media star

He was shamed by his neighbours for years for not stopping his sister from being a provocative social media star. The worst part is that those who complained were the same ones who enjoyed watching her videos and pictures on social media to drool over her skin even though god told men "lower your gaze," in the Quran. A lot of guys who preach about modesty are the same ones who watch porn secretly. According to research, porn is watched the most in Pakistan because like someone stated, "it is a sex starved country" because you can't smash a babe before marriage. But how do you explain that to your raging hormones?

In the same way, when Iran jailed an actress called Leila Hatami for 10 years and sentenced her to public flogging over a french kiss in the Cannes festival, they didn't do themselves a favour at all. That didn't encourage anyone to follow Islam or like Iran. That also led to Islamophobia and made Iranians question their own country.

Those sort of cases distance open thinkers like me from my own Pakistani and Muslim community because I like to question everything.

I don't like to follow the sheep blindly.

There is a massive conflict and competition between liberal Muslims like me and intolerant strict conservative Muslims over ideas like "My Body, My choice."

Leila Hatami jailed for 10 years over a french kiss at the Cannes festival
Leila Hatami jailed for 10 years over a french kiss at the Cannes festival

FEMALE university students filed a case against despite being UNIVERSITY students and FEMALES.

Conflict between liberal Muslims like me and strict intolerant conservative Muslims
Man, whoever made this meme should get an Oscar
Man, whoever made this meme should get an Oscar

That meme will confuse god in terms of who is correct. It is so difficult to find a middle path.

Trump and all the scholars, Muftis and Imams should react to that meme. It is SO damn accurate. How more honest can it be?

However, tweeting this would be enough to lose your job in "Great" Britain because it is "politically incorrect" and it will offend snowflakes who will use the "race card," to serve their victim mentality.

Or you might become get jailed for 9 months like Tommy Robinson just for being too honest for snowflakes in the multi-cultural society.

I invented a quote to describe my life.

"An honest bitch is always better than a fake angel."

#Proud to be an honest bitch

"Bitchy but honest"

Truth is bitter that's why honest women are called bitches.

Every time someone swears at you, know you said said something correct which was a bitter truth and a bitter pill to swallow. Pat yourself on your back to triggering snowflakes instead of getting offended.

Thanks for reading my long rant. Had to get it off my chest. That's how I spend my holidays - by ranting about the world as a world citizen. Being sweet 24/7 is boring. I need someone to fight with or someone to roast with my bad-ass attitude. Yes, I know I am crazy. Man, I don't even know if my article makes any sense but I am going to leave there. I typed everything on top of my head. Whenever a thought pops in my head, my fingertips start typing. These articles are like my diaries.

Now, my brother Maazin in Dubai is gonna be like "phew, this girl is always complaining." I know bruv. By the way, my boyfriend got a job even though you didn't find a job for him in Dubai. We patched up after our second break up and we will have lots of babies in life. I decided the names already but people can suggest me more names.

I am proud of myself because so many articles and questions of mine get featured every week one after another. Once five articles were featured in one week. I am unstoppable. Hope this one is good enough too. Thanks GirlsAskGuys for featuring my questions and articles.

Conflict between liberal Muslims like me and strict intolerant conservative Muslims
Post Opinion