Why Asians do better than Blacks

Why Asians do better than Blacks

Why do Asians do better than Blacks in society economically? Is it because they are born rich computer geniuses? Is it because Blacks are lazy.

None if this is true.

1. Black people in America have lived in Depression level economic conditions since slavery. Much of that time, 50% were unemployed. These families were unable to pass down generational wealth. Whether it was slavery, or Jim Crow from 1865 to 1968. It destroyed families.

2. The only solution for many was an underground economy of crime or drugs. Between 1970 to present, there was the rise of the jailing of Black men. This destroyed the family nucleus.

3. Because so many Black men were jailed, most families have been raised in single parent households, in poor communities with bad school. These mothers face job discrimination, are denied promotion, and have no income to leave bad neighborhoods. Plus there's red lining etc. It has destroyed opportunity for children.

4. Asians have been whitened and assimilated into white culture. Due to racism, lighter skin defenses are assimilated faster than dark. Europeans before Asians, then Latino, etc.

Asians have worked hard but have typically been raised by 2 parents, never faced the same suffering in Jim Crow or jailing. Assimilation has given them positive stereotypes like being smart, etc. Stereotypes for young Black children in media and movies are negative.

Why Asians do better than Blacks
66 Opinion