Profiles for 2020 Presidential Candidates (US)


Hello There!

Elections are close and it's time to share objective information! I've drawn a few graphs showing objective statistics to know your candidate better and to understand where they stand in comparative position. Also, I'd really appreciate if you've any suggestions for me.

1) Candidates By Age:

Profiles for 2020 Presidential Candidates (US)

We all know Bernie is often targeted for his age. But what isn't well known is Donald Trump is the oldest president EVER to hold the office. Apart from that, Bloomberg is 78 as well but the difference between Bernie and Mike is of almost 200 days. Pete Buttigieg is the youngest candidate just above minimum age. If he wins, he'll be the youngest US President.

2) Candidates by Net Worth:

Profiles for 2020 Presidential Candidates (US)

There is no denying that Mike is a clear winner. Alas, he's the 9th richest person in the US and 12th in the entire world. Even Trump's wealth looks so small in front of him. Socialist Dem Bernie is also worth $2.5 Millions as well. Pete is the poorest candidate by far margin and most of his wealth is because of his mayor salary.

3) Candidates by Years of Holding Public Office:

Profiles for 2020 Presidential Candidates (US)

Joe Biden leads the way being VP and Senator and so many other things as well. Bernie, just after Joe has served public for 39 years. He was a mayor and now serving as the longest senator in US History. What stands out is Pete isn't the one with list experience. Oddly, It's Donald Trump. Although he has least experience for holding office, he held the highest public office in the US and now everyone is fighting for it! Just FYI, Trump is one of the only 5 presidents who didn't hold any public office before becoming President.

4) Candidate by Sexual Allegations:

Profiles for 2020 Presidential Candidates (US)
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This is the most controversial graph and hence kept for the last. Mike Bloomberg has total of 40 sexual harassment against himself/ his company but he's well protected by NDAs. The allegations against Trump are well known. Bernie Sanders has no allegations against him but he had to apologize for harassment done by his campaign handlers. One with Joe Biden is a bit controversial since all of the allegations are for "Inappropriate Behaviour" and none of them claims "Sexual Harassment". But to make this graph neutral, I've added them as well. Pete Buttigieg had one case but it was proved to be fake. I couldn't find anything against Warren and Amy.

Again, these are allegations and NOT CONVICTIONs. They can be fake, but we can't deny their existence.

Thank you for reading! I'm trying to be objective and if you've any suggestions, any ideas for the new graph, please do tell so we can share information together!

Profiles for 2020 Presidential Candidates (US)
10 Opinion