Why Women's day isn't what it was before

Why Womens day isnt what it was before

You can hate how much you want, but this is my point of view. Anything that is female-centered gets critique nowadays, and Women's day is just one example. You think it gets sooo much attention, and proves people see women as superior? Nope, it's just a celebration of women getting the rights that men have. A reminder of the times women became equal. Through hundreds of years, women faced way more difficulties than men. But here's how the Women's day slowly gets more ruined and ruined, and is soon likely to be long forgotten:

1. Before it was just a fun celebration, and now it's just a day when guys complain about their oppression the most.

In my country we have a women's day, a men's day, a girl's day and a boy's day. Only women's day and boy's day get celebrated. But it still isn't enough for some. They would want men's day and boy's day to be celebrated for the sake of "justice", but then it would be unfair to women (which they don't seem to get).

2. Then there are all those memes posted on women's day where they put dishwashing sponges as "the perfect gifts for women" or memes making women seem like some kind of golddiggers just using women's day as an excuse for getting a lot of presents. Well returning to men's day....

3. It seems to be getting way more attention than women's day, at least online. I remember a lot of posts on any internet forum asking men about their difficulties were on top both on women's day and on men's day. Both men's day and women's day have now become days when you complain about the difficulties that men face and people seem to completely forget the sexism and hate that women still face (+ the purpose of women's day). If you really want equality, then use Women's day as a day of celebrating women and Men's day as a day of celebrating men. Do not use Women's day to bash women or tell us about how amazing men are.

I just wish for everyone to be treated the same and for women's day not to be ruined, we can start taking men's day into account but please, do not ruin women's day for us. Let it still be a celebration like it always was. Women still face different kinds of sexism and men saying "we have it harder!" or "we are oppressed!" doesn't change anything. Again, this is WOMEN'S day.

Ranting aside: I wish everybody here a happy International Women's Day! (Even a few days after)

Why Womens day isnt what it was before
Why Women's day isn't what it was before
Post Opinion