Why do people feel the need to fat shame?

Why do people feel the need to fat shame?

I’m not looking to argue whether fat-phobia is a thing. Because it is. But I just want to discuss components of it.

I feel like fat women and men can’t even sit down for a meal somewhere without eyes on them. And I’m not even referring to obese individuals, this happens to those even with the slightest bit of stomach fat.

when it comes to those who aren’t slim, suddenly everyone is a health expert. When will people realise that slim ≠ healthy.

And also body shaming in any form is damaging. But no, skinny shaming is not the same as fat shaming. While body shaming absolutely is something that people in thin bodies deal with (and shouldn’t have to), and while the effects of that can be devastating, thin people do not experience weight-based oppression in the same way as fat people. Thin people can literally look out the window and be reassured that their body type will always be accepted, and favoured. They are society’s beauty standard.

anyway this was half a rant half an actual my take.

thanks for reading.

Why do people feel the need to fat shame?
13 Opinion