The privileged likely to suffer more from mental health


Because im bored and cannot sleep...

Looking at the statistic below I draw the conclusion that privileged members of society tend to suffer from mental illness more so than the not so privileged. Do you think this is anecdotal evidence or there are other underlying factors playing a role?

Figure 1 illustrates that Asians have the lowest mental illness prevalence among all U.S adults surveyed. Following closely by Hispanic's (15.2%), and then Black's (16.2%). Largest ethnic demographic is white's (20.4%).

Source: Statistic from National Institute of Mental Health in U.S
Source: Statistic from National Institute of Mental Health in U.S

Further looking at Figure 4; hispanic and black ethnic backgrounds have 14.5% less mental health services recorded for serious mental illness than white's in 2017.

Source: Statistic from National Institute of Mental Health in U.S
Source: Statistic from National Institute of Mental Health in U.S

Below you can see that median household income in the U.S in 2018 by ethnic group.

Median household income in the United States in 2018, by ethnic group

Median household income in the United States in 2018, by ethnic group

Correlating median household wealth and mental illness by ethnicity, the outlier remains to be only Asians with high median household income and low recorded mental health illness. This is likely due to most Asians immigrating from a culturally strict background or more so less privileged backgrounds. As of 2014, the top five origin countries of Asian immigrants were India, China, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Korea (MPI 2016). Four of which were developing countries. The socio-economic trend shows a positive correlation for white, hispanics and blacks. Where the wealthier or another words more privileged you are the more likely you were to suffer from mental health.

Obviously I didn't take into account to the median household wealth, where immigration policies in which migrant higher socio-economic background could be taken into consideration, where wealthy Asians migrants could be coming into U.S. However even then the data for hispanics, blacks and white's remain the same. Now maybe the fact that the hispanics and blacks are so under privileged that they cannot afford professional help and therefore not cited in the statistic, skewing the results (not sure of the social health system in U.S).

If the the hypothesis is right, maybe we should be learning something from our Asian, hispanic and black counterparts.


Migration Policy Institute (MPI) 2016 -

National Institute of Mental Health -

Statistica -

The privileged likely to suffer more from mental health
3 Opinion