Inferiority complex part two

Inferiority complex part two

Most common scenario

Whenever Bollywood actors are asked how they learnt English in American interviews, they get offended.


Once a Bollywood actress was asked how she learnt English and she began quite defensive. She began giving statistics on how many Indians can speak English.

People's reaction

Seeing how defensive she became, one Indian came in the YouTube comments section to say how the question about her English was completely normal and natural.

He went on to explain that even in India when people migrate from one city to another, they are aksed how they learnt the new language. So, if someone migrated from Dehli to Gujarat, he will be asked how he learnt Gujarati as someone who spoke Hindi in Dehli. The language question is asked in India too because India has many languages.

My opinion

He was correct to point this out because out of all languages, people only get offended when asked about English. They don't get offended when they are asked about other languages like Chinese, French, Spanish or German. The question is why? And the answer is inferiority complex. If this was about language then why don't people get offended when asked about French. Why do people only get offended when asked about English out of all languages? This rings some bells.

My conclusion

In conclusion, sometimes it's all in our heads. We should never blame others for our insecurities. We should never project our insecurities on others. Only we are responsible for our insecurities. If I am insecure, it's only and only MY own fault and nobody else's. However, people with inferiority complex and insecurities will only use this tactic called "guilt tripping" to make others feel guilty just because their existence makes him feel insecure. I can't blame others. We are prisoners of our own minds. And ending my insecurities is only my responsibility and nobody else's. Others are not my rehab centre to make me feel secure. The only person who can make me feel secure is myself. We should take responsibility of our own peace and happiness.

However, humans are always overcome by their emotions and start breaking others, tearing others apart, putting others down to feel secure, which is a cowardly act. A confident person doesn't feel the need to tear others apart to feel good about himself. That's why someone correctly said confidence is silent and insecurities are loud.

Inferiority complex part two
A white straight male can relate to this. In to
A white straight male can relate to this. In to

A white straight male can to the quote above as he is definitely the most attacked person in today's era. As white, he is attacked by minorities. As male, he is attacked by feminazis. As straight, he is attacked by LGBT. In today's era, being a white straight male can become politically incorrect.

Inferiority complex part two
Inferiority complex part two

Part three and part four are coming hopefully this weekend.

And in case someone is wondering about my ethnicity, I am a British Pakistani.

Inferiority complex part two
6 Opinion